“Al colocar tus dones y talentos al servicio del bien mayor, te
conviertes en un eslabón en la corriente de la felicidad. La alegría, la
prosperidad y el amor pasan por ti para llegar al otro. Comienzas a
sentirte guiado y llevado por algo más grande que tú. Pero mientras
estés aislado, queriendo hacer todo a tu manera, esto no es posible. Es
preciso colocarse en la corriente. Y lo haces cuando te preguntas:
"¿Cómo puedo servir?". Así te conviertes en un canal de la felicidad.”
"By putting our gifts and talents at the service of the greater good, we become a link in the chain of happiness. Joy, prosperity and love pass through us to reach the other. We begin to feel guided and led by something bigger than us. However, if we remain isolated, wanting to do everything our way, then this cannot take place. We need to place ourselves in the current, and we do so by asking: ‘How can I serve?’ This is how we become a channel of happiness."
"By putting our gifts and talents at the service of the greater good, we become a link in the chain of happiness. Joy, prosperity and love pass through us to reach the other. We begin to feel guided and led by something bigger than us. However, if we remain isolated, wanting to do everything our way, then this cannot take place. We need to place ourselves in the current, and we do so by asking: ‘How can I serve?’ This is how we become a channel of happiness."