Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 18/03/2015

“Quando a luz do perdão se manifesta, todas as sombras se dissipam. Mágoas e ressentimentos se dissolvem e o passado desaparece. Você volta para a luz do momento presente, onde não existe separação ou distanciamento. Por isso compreenda que se existe uma barreira entre você e outro, ela é feita de mágoas e ressentimentos - é feita de acusação. Portanto, é feita de passado.”

“Cuando la luz del perdón se manifiesta, todas las sombras se disipan. Heridas y resentimientos se disuelven y el pasado desaparece. Vuelves a la luz del momento presente, donde no existe separación o distancia. Por eso comprende que si existe una barrera entre tú y otro, ella está hecha de heridas y resentimientos - está hecha de acusación. Por lo tanto, está hecha de pasado.”

"When the light of forgiveness manifests, all shadows dissipate. Hurts and resentments dissolve, and the past disappears. We return to the light of the present moment, where there is no separation or distance. This is why we must understand that if there is a barrier between ourselves and another person, it is due to hurts, resentments and accusations. This barrier is created out of our past."

Via Daily Dharma

Softening Judgment | March 18, 2015

Falling down is what we humans do. If we can acknowledge that fact, judgment softens and we allow the world to be as it is, forgiving ourselves and others for our humanity. The Buddha’s First Noble Truth—that suffering exists—is, in itself, a permission to be human and not demand more of ourselves than we’re capable of. Our compassion arises from our very fallibility, and love takes root in the soils of human error.

- Lin Jensen, "An Ear to the Ground"