Monday, May 19, 2014

Via Freedom to Marry / FB:

File:World marriage-equality laws.svg

Triple-Loss for NOM in Oregon: May 18 MNW

Via Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Marriage equality opponents need genuine 'come to Jesus' moment about their leaders

In case you have been living in a cave under a rock with your fingers in your ears, you now know that Oregon became the 18th state to legalize marriage equality.

Mazel tov!

Now let's get serious for a bit. On election night less than two years ago, many Americans got caught by surprise when President Obama was reelected to a second term. Fox News, just about all of the conservative media and bloggers, and their gut had told them that Mitt Romney would either win in a close vote or a landslide.

As it turned out, what they probably felt in their gut was a brief case of happy gas.  However, when it came to all of the other prognosticators, it was genuinely agreed that these seers, these so-called correct predictors of the election day mood, was taking their audience for a ride. Prominent conservatives and republicans like David Frum and Joe Scarborough had it so correct when they read the riot act to folks like Fox News commentator Dick Morris and talking heads Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin for leading fellow conservatives down a primrose path of destruction fueled by a conservative bubble which shut all reality out of an assured Obama victory.

By that same token, someone needs to yank all of these folks who voted for these statewide anti-marriage equality amendments and give them a good figurative slap. And I'm not talking about a wimpy one. I'm talking one of those infamous Joan Crawford type smacks where you really get your hand in the cheek, leaving a loud noise and a lasting sting.

Via JMG: Politico Poll: 52% Oppose Gay Marriage

According to a just published poll conducted by Politico, a thin majority of likely 2014 voters say they oppose same-sex marriage.
Clear generational divides exist on the hot-button social issues of gay marriage and marijuana legalization, a new POLITICO poll of voters who will decide the most competitive House and Senate races finds. That split is starkest on the question of same-sex marriage, which is supported by 48 percent of those surveyed overall. But that number skyrockets to 61 percent among people between the ages of 18-34. Slightly more than half of those between ages 35 and 49 support gay marriage; the figure drops to 48 percent among those aged 50-64 and tapers off to 35 percent among those 65 and older. Overall, 52 percent of those surveyed oppose gay marriage.
The Family Research Council is already tweeting their joy.

Reposted from Joe Jervis


Here's the full ruling.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via JMG: Updated Wikipedia Marriage Map

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via JMG: LGBT Groups React To Oregon Ruling

Oregon United
"The importance of Judge McShane’s decision cannot be overemphasized,” said David Fidanque, executive director of the ACLU of Oregon. “Our federal Constitution does not allow any state – or its voters – to deny same sex couples equal protection under the law simply because of who they are and who they love. This type of discrimination is wrong and it’s also unconstitutional.” "Our clients Deanna Geiger & Janine Nelson and Bob Duehig and Bill Griesar are grateful the Attorney General, Governor, Ms. Woodward and Mr. Walruff carefully considered their position and so clearly articulated Oregon’s position that it values our relationships and commitments to each other and our families," said Lee Ann Easton, an attorney at Dorsay & Easton who, with co-counsel Lake Periguey, filed the Geiger case. "They are very pleased the District Court adopted their position along with the Rummell plaintiffs in his decision. With this advancement of civil rights, gay and lesbian Oregonians are now equal under the law.”
Freedom To Marry
"Today Judge McShane did the right thing for families, affirming that the denial of marriage to committed same-sex couples in Oregon is unconstitutional. In recognition of the strong support for marriage among Oregonians, no one with legal standing, including our state Attorney General, wanted to go down in history as defending discrimination. Across the country, the courts agree: same-sex couples and their families need the protections of marriage, and anti-marriage laws are indefensible. With over 70 marriage cases now making their way through the courts, today's decision in Oregon underscores that all of America is ready for the freedom to marry."
U.S. District Judge Michael McShane stated in his ruling, "Because Oregon’s marriage laws discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, the laws violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution." "Love is in the air in Oregon," said GLAAD President and CEO, Sarah Kate Ellis. "This ruling is going to add stability to LGBT couples and families across the state and continue to advance LGBT equality across the country." Hearings were held on April 23, but here were no defendants in court to defend the marriage ban, because the state's Attorney General refused to defend the amendment, saying the ban serves no rational purpose.
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force
"We are delighted that Judge Michael McShane has finally brought a decade of uncertainty to a close with his ruling. Thousands of LGBTQ couples will be celebrating today across Oregon and around the nation. We are another step closer to marriage equality everywhere for everyone. This victory would not have been possible without the leadership of Oregon United for Marriage who are: Basic Rights Oregon, Human Rights Campaign, Freedom to Marry, ACLU of OR, ACLU National, SEIU of OR, American Unity Fund, Gill Action, and countless other Task Force Action Fund staff and volunteers."
Human Rights Campaign
“Today’s ruling from Judge McShane affirms what a majority of Oregonians already knew: discrimination has no place in our society, much less the state constitution. The plaintiffs and their tremendous attorneys Lake James Perriguey, Lea Ann Easton, Perkins Coie LLP, the ACLU of Oregon and the ACLU, should be incredibly proud of their historic victory. Thanks to their willingness to fight and the decades of work done by groups like Basic Rights Oregon and countless others, America is now one giant step closer to full equality nationwide.”

Reposted from Joe Jervis

JMG Quote Of The Day: Judge Michael McShane

"Oregon recognizes a marriage of love with the same equal eye that it recognizes a marriage of convenience. It affords the same set of rights and privileges to Tristan and Isolde that it affords to a Hollywood celebrity waking up in Las Vegas with a blurry memory and a ringed finger. It does not, however, afford these very same rights to gay and lesbian couples who wish to marry within the confines of our geographic borders." 
- US District Court Judge Michael McShane, in just one of many memorable lines in today's ruling that overturned Oregon's ban on same-sex marriage.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

First Lady Michelle Obama Addresses Senior Appreciation Day in Topeka, Kansas

Via Daily Dharma

You Are Your Own Best Proof | May 19, 2014

In the end, when it comes to spiritual practice, you are your own best proof. Individual practitioners can understand from their own personal experience that practice is helping them to be more understanding, to be more open, to be more at home with others, or to have a greater sense of ease.
—Thupten Jingpa Langri, “Under One Umbrella”