Sunday, September 20, 2020



Meditation without bodhicitta ~ Lama Yeshe


Meditation without bodhicitta ~ Lama Yeshe  

Why is bodhicitta necessary for success in meditation? Because of selfish grasping. If you have a good meditation but don't have bodhicitta, you will grasp at any little experience of bliss: 'Me, me; I want more, I want more.' Then the good experience disappears completely. Grasping is the greatest distraction to experiencing single-pointed intensive awareness in meditation. And with it, we are always dedicated to our own happiness: 'Me, me I'm miserable, I want to be happy. Therefore I'll meditate.' It doesn't work that way. For some reason good meditation and its results — peacefulness, satisfaction and bliss — just don't come.  

– Lama Yeshe  from the book "Buddhist Wisdom: The Path to Enlightenment" ISBN: 978-1906787141  -  Lama Yeshe on the web:  Lama Yeshe biography:

Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - September 20, 2020 💌


One part of getting free, free into the soul or into the witness, is the ability to stand back a little bit, because now you are identified with being the witness rather than being the player, and thus you can see the play more clearly. 

- Ram Dass -

Via Daily Dharma: Act for the Benefit of Yourself and Others

 Before acting, one should reflect, “Is this for the benefit of myself and others?” In the middle of an action, one should reflect, “Is what I am doing for the benefit of myself
and others?” And after any action, “Is what I just did for the benefit of myself and others?”

—Sylvia Boorstein, “Dear Abbey Dharma Fall 2011”