Friday, April 24, 2015

Nobody's Memories - PFLAG Canada – Same-sex Marriage – TV Commercial


Via JMG: Hotelier Ian Reisner Reacts To Cruz Flap

"For my entire adult life, I have been an ardent supporter and activist for gay rights and LGBT organizations worldwide. I was given the opportunity to have a candid conversation with Senator Ted Cruz on where he stood on issues including the state of Israel and national security, which are the only places where we share common ground. It was just three months ago that I hosted a 'Ready for Hillary' event for a record turnout of 900 people at The OUT Hotel. Senator Ted Cruz and I disagree strongly on the issue of gay marriage, but having an open dialogue with those who have differing political opinions is a part of what this country was founded on. My tireless support of the gay community and its causes worldwide hasn't changed and will not change." - New York City hotelier Ian Reisner, posting tonight on his Facebook page.

NOTE: There are conflicting reports at whether the event with Cruz was a fundraiser.  CNN is saying that it was, but the New York Times is saying this "Mr. Cruz was on a fund-raising tour of New York City, although the dinner was not a fund-raiser." I've added this notation to previous posts on this topic.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via JMG: Ted Cruz Files Two Anti-Gay Marriage Bills

Via Bloomberg:
Days before the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on same-sex marriage, Senator Ted Cruz has filed two bills to protect states that bar gay couples from marrying. Cruz's legislation would establish a constitutional amendment shielding states that define marriage as between one woman and one man from legal action, according to bill language obtained by Bloomberg News. A second bill would bar federal courts from further weighing in on the marriage issue until such an amendment is adopted. While Cruz's legislation would face solid opposition in the Senate, it is an attempt to force his competitors to keep the issue alive even if the court rules in favor of same-sex marriage. Last year, Cruz and Utah Senator Mike Lee filed similar legislation to protect more than 30 states that currently define marriage as a union between one man and one woman, but those bills died when the session in a Democratic-controlled congress ended.
The bills are here and here.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 24/04/2015

“É importante que possamos ensinar para as nossas crianças sobre a impermanência. Elas precisam saber que o envelhecimento e a morte são fenômenos inerentes a este plano. Desde cedo elas podem compreender que o corpo tem prazo de validade e que somente aquele que habita o corpo é permanente.”
Para ler o Satsang completo, acesse:

“Es importante que podamos enseñar a nuestros niños sobre la impermanencia. Ellos necesitan saber que el envejecimiento y la muerte son fenómenos inherentes a este plano. Desde temprano ellos pueden comprender que el cuerpo tiene plazo de validez y que solamente aquél que habita el cuerpo es permanente.”

"It’s important that we teach our children about impermanence. They need to know that aging and death are inherent phenomena of this world. From early on, they can understand that the body has an expiration date, and that only the Being that inhabits the body is permanent."

Via Daily Dharma

Finding the Natural Balance | April 24, 2015

I dissolve in activity, in relationship with my surroundings, so that the inner world can flow out, and the outer world can arrive within. I have to both put in effort and know when to let go. There’s a natural balance, a dance, between embracing and releasing: turning your surroundings into yourself, like the tree that absorbs carbon dioxide, and turning yourself into your surroundings, like the same tree releasing oxygen.

- Shozan Jack Haubner, "Consider the Seed"