Saturday, June 25, 2022

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Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine in Kyushu by Kohei Yamakawa

Mindrolling – Raghu Markus – Ep. 445 – Transcendental Meditation with David Lynch

  Mindrolling – Raghu Markus – Ep. 445 – Transcendental Meditation with David Lynch
June 23, 2022
Legendary filmmaker, David Lynch, joins Raghu for a chat on finding true happiness, creativity and peace through Transcendental Meditation.Legendary filmmaker, David Lynch, joins Raghu for a chat on finding true happiness, creativity and peace through Transcendental Meditation. David Lynch is a filmmaker,...

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Effort: Abandoning Arisen Unhealthy States


Abandoning Arisen Unhealthy States
Whatever a person frequently thinks and ponders upon, that will become the inclination of their mind. If one frequently thinks and ponders upon unhealthy states, one has abandoned healthy states to cultivate unhealthy states, and then one’s mind inclines to unhealthy states. (MN 19)

Abandoning ill will, one abides with a mind free from ill will, compassionate for the welfare of all living beings; one purifies the mind of ill will. (MN 51) Just as a person who had been bound in prison would get free of prison, so would one rejoice and be glad about the abandoning of ill will. (DN 2)
Ill will, along with its synonyms hatred and aversion, can be likened to a disease from which we need to recover. It roils the mind like the boiling of water, preventing us from seeing clearly what arises in the mind, unlike water that is calm and therefore reflective of whatever stands before it. Here ill will is compared with being in prison: hatred has a way of trapping the mind and denying it the freedom it is capable of when unbound.

Daily Practice
When ill will comes up in your mind, abandon it. Just let it go. Anger and hatred are only sustained if we feed them. Since all mental and emotional states are transient, we need simply to allow them to pass through the mind unhindered. Normally we ruminate on what someone said or did and thereby sustain and amplify our ill will. Instead, watch ill will come up, notice that it is unhelpful and unhealthy, and let it go.

Tomorrow: Establishing Mindfulness of Feeling and Abiding in the Second Jhāna
One week from today: Developing Unarisen Healthy States

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LONESOME International Trailer

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Via Daily Dharma: A Welcome Detour

 What we call self-awareness comes via the detour we take when we encounter others, who show us to ourselves from a new angle. The differences we find in our world, then, offer us the priceless opportunity to become something more than we are now.

Kurt Spellmeyer, “Globalism 3.0” 


Via Lama Rod Owens


One of the things that drove me into activism and service in my teens was realizing that I was born into a culture that was trying to annihilate my body, spirit, and mind. I was pissed and heartbroken over this and I learned to channel this intense energy into spiritual practice and deeper activism. 
Right now I am remembering and calling on all the great beings who came before me and who are still with us now to remember my sacred commitment to never allow the darkness of hate, violence, state and systematic suppression to consume me. I will survive peoples’ weaponizing of their insecurity, narcissism, and trauma against me and my communities. I will not be quiet nor will I disappear. 
I am urging all you spiritual leaders, healers, mystics, intuitives, magik practitioners, and yogis to remember your power and confirm your allegiance to light, love, compassion, and community and disrupt this darkness and start acting up. Now is not the time to get more holy. Now is the time to get clear about protecting everyone’s right to be safe, happy, and resourced.
- Lama Rod Owens

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Via Lama Rod