Thursday, August 11, 2011

HomoQuotable - Ricky Martin via JMG

"My shoulders feel much lighter and straighter and I feel my life is a lot more simple now. I lived with the obsession to be accepted for such a long time. But it was when I held my children in my arms I knew I couldn’t do it anymore. I wanted to teach them to be themselves, to know there is nothing wrong with being gay – because there isn’t. I want them to have self-love, pride and dignity. And that means I had to be transparent." - Ricky Martin, who should teach a celebrity course on coming out.

reposted from Joe

It Gets Better - the story of a gay Muslim Turk coming out

It Gets Better: Yale Divinity School

It Gets Better: Seventh-day Adventists

It Gets Better: Christian and Lesbian

Jewish LGBTQ at GLOE, Washington DCJCC: Strength Through Community and It Gets Better

It Gets Better - Thomas, Peace Corps Volunteer in Ukraine

Faculty and students from the seminary for Reform Judaism, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

The Muppet Show: Ernie, Bert & Connie Stevens - "Some Enchanted Evening"

Via JMG: NOM Will Have Trouble Spinning This

According to a just-released poll, a majority of New York voters are either "more likely" to support pro-marriage legislators or simply don't care about the issue.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Petition: Let Bert & Ernie Get Married

A petition drive launched on asks the producers of Sesame Street to allow long-rumored boyfriends Bert and Ernie to marry.
Chicago resident Lair Scott started an online petition at to pressure the Sesame Street Workshop to "Let Bert & Ernie get married on Sesame Street." The petition reads, "We are not asking Sesame Street to do anything crude or disrespectful…. It can be done in a tasteful way. Let us teach tolerance of those that are different." As of this writing, the petition had collected more than 1,600 signatures. But are Bert and Ernie even gay, never mind ready for the ultimate commitment? Scott clearly thinks so. In an interview with ABC, Scott said, "A lot of people have wondered about Bert and Ernie.... Living in the same bedroom and the same home would make anyone question their sexuality." His aim, he added, is to get 20,000 petitioners to encourage the Sesame Workshop to either marry Bert and Ernie or introduce a gay or lesbian character.
Sesame Street has denied that Bert and Ernie are gay ever since the rumors started over 20 years ago. The usual response: "They are puppets. They don't exist below the waist."

reposted from Joe

Via PlayingForChangeFoundation: Incantation for Peace - Kathmandu, Nepal

Incantation for Peace from PlayingForChangeFoundation on Vimeo.

Home About Shows Give Contact Play a Song. Build a School. Change the World.

Playing For Change Day 2011: Join in! from PlayingForChangeFoundation on Vimeo.

The Bahá'í Faith and homosexuality: Bahá'í LGBTs on the Internet, agitating for full acceptance

Bahá'í LGBTs on the Internet, agitating for full acceptance

The conflicts between the Baha'i faith and LGBTs (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgendered persons and transsexuals) are unlikely to go away anytime soon.
The agenda being pursued by Baha'i LGBTs is simple: full equality for persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities, including same-sex marriage. Some are using the Internet to publicize their goals.
In reading some of their sites, one is struck by the level of anxiety and fear experienced by LGBTs in this faith. That is a real pity, because the Baha'i faith should liberate people from fear and make their lives whole, not trap them in a closet and make them pretend to be what they are not.