“Necesitamos parar para hacer una seria reflexión sobre la educación de
nuestros niños. ¿Qué estamos haciendo para despertar el amor en ellos?
No alcanza con solo dejar al niño en la escuela, porque el mismo sistema
educativo necesita ser todo repensado, es necesario responsabilizarse
por el despertar de los valores espirituales en estos seres. En caso
contrario estaremos tratando apenas los síntomas, intentando remendar
los defectos, sin realmente curar aquello que genera la miseria: el
olvido del propósito mayor de la vida.”
“We need to pause and seriously reflect on the education our children are getting. What are we doing to awaken love in them? We do no justice to our children by just dropping them off at school when the educational system needs to be completely re-evaluated. We need to take responsibility for the awakening of spiritual values in these beings. Otherwise, we will just be treating the symptoms, trying to repair the defects without actually curing the underlying cause of all our misery: forgetting life’s higher purpose".
“We need to pause and seriously reflect on the education our children are getting. What are we doing to awaken love in them? We do no justice to our children by just dropping them off at school when the educational system needs to be completely re-evaluated. We need to take responsibility for the awakening of spiritual values in these beings. Otherwise, we will just be treating the symptoms, trying to repair the defects without actually curing the underlying cause of all our misery: forgetting life’s higher purpose".