Monday, June 15, 2015

Today's Daily Dharma: Under One Umbrella

Doris Mitsch, courtesy of Clampart, New York City
Under One Umbrella
We should all be willing to suspend skepticism about unfamiliar forms of Buddhism and explore their texts and practices deeply and without presuppositions. If we do this hard work, we will find that these unfamiliar Buddhisms make sense in their own terms and deserve our respect. Whether they turn out to be more similar to or more different from our own Buddhism is irrelevant. If we investigate these myriad versions of Buddhism, we will understand how all of them are derived from the teachings of the one teacher we all revere.

- Rita Gross, "Under One Umbrella"

Via Spirit Science / FB:

Today's Daily Dharma: It Starts with Humility

Image: Elegy 2011 by Cara Barer
It Starts with Humility

Humility is . . . the ground zero of spirituality, from which other helpful conditions may arise, such as gratitude and compassion. 

- Henry Shukman, "The Art of Being Wrong"

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 15/06/2015

“A verdadeira felicidade é aquela que vem de dentro, pois ela possibilita a experiência da liberdade. Uma coisa é você estar com o outro por amor, porque é bom estar próximo, porque existe uma sinergia, uma afinidade, e a energia cresce nesse encontro; e outra coisa bem diferente é acreditar que depende do outro para ser feliz.”

“La verdadera felicidad es aquella que viene de adentro, porque ésta posibilita la experiencia de la libertad. Una cosa es que estés con otro por amor, porque es bueno estar cerca, porque existe una sinergia, una afinidad, y la energía crece en ese encuentro; y otra cosa bien diferente es creer que dependes del otro para ser feliz.”

“True happiness comes from within, and allows you to experience freedom. You may be with someone out of love because it’s good to be close to them, and there is a synergy. The energy of this affinity grows with every encounter. That is the complete opposite of believing that your happiness is dependent on this person.”