“Quiero proponerte un acuerdo: no creas en nada de lo que yo digo, solo
escucha e intenta ponerlo en práctica. Si haces esto y no encuentras
nada, todo bien, olvida lo que estoy diciendo y continúa tu camino.
Comprende que no estoy jugando a la espiritualidad, sé lo que estoy
diciendo. Hablo por mi propia experiencia. Y lo que más deseo es que
puedas tener la misma experiencia. El conocimiento solo puede
transformarse en sabiduría a través de la práctica. De lo contrario,
solo tienes un cúmulo de informaciones.”
“I would like to propose an experiment: do not believe anything I say, simply listen to my words and try to put them into practice. If you do this and do not discover anything, that’s alright: then you can forget what I said and continue on your path. Understand that I am not playing with spirituality. I am speaking from my own experience, and my deepest wish is for you to have the same experience. Knowledge can only transform into wisdom through practice. Otherwise, you will only have accumulated information.”
“I would like to propose an experiment: do not believe anything I say, simply listen to my words and try to put them into practice. If you do this and do not discover anything, that’s alright: then you can forget what I said and continue on your path. Understand that I am not playing with spirituality. I am speaking from my own experience, and my deepest wish is for you to have the same experience. Knowledge can only transform into wisdom through practice. Otherwise, you will only have accumulated information.”