Tuesday, March 25, 2014

London LGBT choir Celebrates Same-sex Marriage

From a love poem by Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī:

May these vows and this marriage be blessed
May it be sweet milk, this marriage, like wine and halvah
May this marriage offer fruit and shade like the date palm
May this marriage be full of laughter
Our every day a day in paradise

May this marriage be a sign of compassion
A seal of happiness here, and hereafter
May this marriage have a fair face and a good name
An omen, as welcomes the moon in a clear blue sky
I am out of words to describe how spirit mingles in this marriage


Via JMG: Prop 8 Donor Named Mozilla CEO

The newly named CEO of Mozilla, the makers of the Firefox brower, is Brandon Eich, who gained headlines in 2008 when it was revealed that he had donated $1000 to the backers of Proposition 8.  From his personal blog:
A donation that I made in support of California Proposition 8 four years ago became public knowledge and sparked a firestorm of comments in the last few days, mostly on Twitter. People in other countries or other U.S. states do not know why “Mozilla” was listed in the donation data. Donors above a certain amount are required by the State of California to disclose their employer. Mozilla had nothing to do with the donation. I’m not going to discuss Prop 8 here or on Twitter. There is no point in talking with the people who are baiting, ranting, and hurling four-letter abuse. Personal hatred conveyed through curse words is neither rational nor charitable, and strong feelings on any side of an issue do not justify it. In contrast, people expressing non-abusive anger, sadness, or disagreement, I understand, grieve, and humbly accept.
For someone who is "not going to discuss Prop 8", he manages to on for several more paragraphs. (Tipped by JMG reader Chris)

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Melissa Etheridge - "Uprising of Love" Official Video

Via JMG: AFA Calls For World Vision Boycott

Via press release:
This decision by World Vision to equate homosexual "marriage" to natural marriage between a man and a woman is in direct conflict with the Holy Scriptures. The first chapter of Romans is very clear. World Vision has abandoned the warning of Paul and compromised the integrity of a ministry financially supported by Christians who regard Scripture as the final authority on the issue. Christians who support World Vision should stop as should all of the artists and authors who raise money for them. There are many other organizations that sponsor children around the world who remain true to the gospel. If you would like to express your thoughts or cancel your financial support to World Vision, you can contact them here.
Fuck those starving children, the gays MUST BE STOPPED.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via Midling America: Updated Marriage Map: Michigan / FB

Via Daily Dharma

Hearing Silence | March 25, 2014

Silence does not disappear when it is broken; for those who are not distracted, silence limns language as the necessary condition that exposes both its richness and its fragility. Silence is not just in the gaps and spaces that punctuate sentences but also within words as the lack that renders them fully articulate. To know what a person says, we must hear what remains unsaid. If we cannot hear silence, we do not know how to listen. 
—Mark C. Taylor, “Hearing Silence”