Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Via Ram Dass...

March 16, 2016

The pilgrim and the goal are the same. So how can you take a trip seriously when you know the end of the trip is awakening from the illusion that you’re on a trip? See, you just know it, you don’t BE it.

Via Daily Dharma: Creative Practice, Disciplined Understanding

Just as a yogi must return again and again to the mat or the meditation seat—to directly touch the reality of each moment—the writer must return to the empty page, the sculptor to the clay, the painter to the easel. And through this discipline, both yogi and artist become one with the worlds within and without.

—Anne Cushman, "The Yoga of Creativity"

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 16/03/2016

“Um dos principais obstáculos na jornada evolutiva do ser humano é a negação. E o moralismo é um dos instrumentos que está a serviço desse mecanismo de negação. Ele é uma espécie de conhecimento emprestado que determina o que é certo ou errado. Você avalia os seus desejos e mede suas atitudes a partir desse conhecimento emprestado. E como você precisa agradar os outros porque acredita que somente assim será amado, você condena seus próprios desejos e passa a negá-los. Mas, como tudo o que é proibido é desejado, essa negação é apenas um combustível para o desejo.”

“Uno de los principales obstáculos en el camino evolutivo del ser humano es la negación. Y el moralismo es uno de los instrumentos que está al servicio de este mecanismo de negación. Es un tipo de conocimiento prestado que determina lo que es correcto o incorrecto. Evalúas tus deseos y mides tus actitudes a partir de ese conocimiento prestado. Y como precisas agradarle a los otros porque crees que solamente así serás amado, condenas tus propios deseos y pasas a negarlos. Pero como todo lo que es prohibido es deseado, esta negación es sólo un combustible para el deseo.”

"One of the main obstacles along the human being’s evolutionary journey is denial. Morality is one of the main instruments that further serves our denial mechanisms. Morality is like borrowed knowledge that determines what is right or wrong. We use these borrowed ideas of morality to evaluate and measure our desires and our very own attitudes. So long as we go on needing to please the other as we believe this is the only way we will be loved, we inadvertently wind up condemning our own desires and thereby denying them. However, everything that is prohibited is ultimately desired. So this denial only serves to ignite more desire."

Via Instinct: Sally Field Is 'Horrified' By Parents Who Do Not Accept Their Gay Children

Sally Field was recently bestowed the Human Rights Campaign‘s Ally for Equality Award, an honor that was presented to her by her gay son Sam.

During a recent EW Radio town hall on SiriusXM, she said:
"First of all, don’t be frightened. And don’t put your own prejudices or fears about sexuality – your own fears about sexuality – on your children. Sexuality is a glorious part of existence.
“What horrifies me is that there are parents who so disapprove, who are so brainwashed to think that this is something out of the Bible or ungodly or against nature. It’s not against nature if nature has actually done this. Sam was always Sam, this wonderful human that he is, from the time he was born. … Some people actually shut their children out of the house when they’re young, they’re teenagers – they’re having a hard enough time to be teenagers and own any part of sexuality. I’m still trying to figure it out!”
Read the original and more here