Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Via JMG: RUSSIA: Network Issues "18+" Warning On Hillary Clip Due To Gay Couple

Via ABC News:
The launch of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign has proved an unexpected test of Russia’s controversial so-called “gay-propaganda” law. The independent, opposition TV channel, Dozhd TV, decided it was obliged to include an “18+” age-rating on the video announcing the launch of Clinton’s campaign because it features a gay couple holding hands. Clinton’s campaign released the video Sunday to formally announce her run. A spokesperson for Dozhd TV told ABC News that it had decided to include the age warning in order to avoid risking falling foul of the Russia’s so-called “gay propaganda” law, which bans the promotion of “non-traditional” relationships to minors.
The network claims it acted preemptively without orders from Russia authorities.

RELATED: The couple has invited Clinton to their wedding.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Cory Booker on Jim Obergefell

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 14/04/2015

“Nossos dons e talentos são manifestações do nosso propósito na Terra. Eles são expressões do Amor. São nosso tesouro espiritual. Mas, é lamentável que alguns tenham esquecido do seu próprio tesouro. O ser humano foi tão severamente reprimido que deixou de expressar seus dons naturais. Ele deixou de ser natural e passou a ser aquilo que agrada à família e à sociedade. E assim ele passa a vida buscando remédios para curar os sintomas causados pelo esquecimento de si mesmo.”

“Nuestros dones y talentos son manifestaciones de nuestro propósito en la Tierra. Éstos son expresiones del Amor. Son nuestro tesoro espiritual. Pero es lamentable que algunos se hayan olvidado de su propio tesoro. El ser humano fue tan severamente reprimido que dejó de expresar sus dones naturales. Él dejó de ser natural y pasó a ser aquello que agrada a la familia y a la sociedad. Y así pasa la vida buscando remedios para curar los síntomas causados por el olvido de sí mismo.”

"Our gifts and talents are the manifestations of our purpose here on Earth. They are expressions of love: our spiritual treasure. Unfortunately, some people have forgotten about their own treasure. Human beings were so severely repressed that they ceased to express their natural gifts. We went from naturally expressing ourselves to being someone who seeks to please our family and society. In this way, we spend our lives seeking remedies to cure the symptoms caused by the forgetfulness of ourselves."

Via Daily Dharma

Conditioning Ourselves to Be Aware | April 14, 2015

Awareness is a natural capacity of the mind. It happens because of conditions favorable to it. When such conditions arise, awareness happens. When they do not, delusion happens. Learning to recognize the conditions that give rise to each of these mental states helps us understand the conditional nature of all experience.

- Steve Armstrong, "Got Attitude?"