Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Via JMG: Gay Hero Daniel Hernandez To Attend State Of The Union With Michelle Obama

Openly gay Arizona shooting hero Daniel Hernandez and his father will be seated with the First Lady at Tuesday's State Of The Union address.
"I'm both honored and excited to have the opportunity to travel to our nation's Capitol for a once in a lifetime event. Also the chance to bring my father along for his first trip to Washington, D.C. The State of the Union is a pivotal moment because it is our opportunity to find where we are and where we will be going as a nation in this upcoming year," Hernandez said.
Tuesday is also Hernandez' 21st birthday. That's quite a present.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: How (Not) to Be a Gay Dad: That's Gay

God hates Figs

Via JMG: Coming Out Begins At Home

Via Copyranter, the above is an ad from the National Association Of GLBT In Israel.

reposted from Joe