Thursday, February 8, 2024

Via FB / Zen Taoism Buddhism

 “Every minute someone leaves this world behind. Age has nothing to do with it. 

We are all in "the line" without knowing it.

We never know how many people are before us.

We can not move to the back of the line.

We can not step out of the line.

We can not avoid the line.

So while we wait in line:

Make moments count. Make priorities.Make the time.

Make your gifts known. Make a nobody feel like a somebody.

Make your voice heard. Make the small things big.

Make someone smile. Make the change. Make love.

Make peace.

Make sure to tell your people they are loved.

Make sure to have no regrets. Make sure you are ready…”

“Every minute someone leaves this world” 

by Marianne Baum

Via Daily Dharma: Staying Present with Practice


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Staying Present with Practice

When we start to practice meditation, we may be astounded by how often our mind is off musing and how rarely we are awake to the basic realities of life. But soon the practice quiets our mind, and we begin to understand the difference between staying present and spinning out into fantasy.

Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, “The Power of an Open Question”


A Letter from My Future Self, Encouraging Me to Practice
By Lama Karma
Buddhist teacher Lama Karma shares a letter to himself offering reassurance and guidance in motivating him to practice again.
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Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Action: Reflecting upon Mental Action



Reflecting Upon Mental Action
However the seed is planted, in that way the fruit is gathered. Good things come from doing good deeds, bad things come from doing bad deeds. (SN 11.10) What is the purpose of a mirror? For the purpose of reflection. So too mental action is to be done with repeated reflection: (MN 61)

When you have done an action with the mind, reflect upon that same mental action thus: "Has this action I have done with the mind led to my own affliction?" If, upon reflection, you know that it has, then tell someone you trust about it and undertake a commitment not to do it again. If you know it has not, then be content and feel happy about it. (MN 61)
So much of what we do is never revealed in speech or bodily action. All mental activity is also a form of action and has karmic consequences. It is also the case that we can cause harm through our patterns of thought, including harm to ourselves. Karma is simply the workings of cause and effect, and every action we perform is accompanied by an internal mental intention, which is the focus of today’s practice.

Daily Practice
Here is an opportunity to look over some of your own mental patterns of activity and see if there have been any that contribute to self-harm. Perhaps there are ways you criticize yourself too harshly or undervalue your capabilities or secretly sabotage yourself. This is the sort of thing one often shares with a therapist, but it can be equally healing to share these mental actions with a good friend or someone else you trust. 

Tomorrow: Abstaining from Misbehaving Among Sensual Pleasures
One week from today: Reflecting upon Social Action

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Chakra Work


Via White Crane Institute \\ Parinirvana Day, or Nirvana Day


2022 -

Parinirvana Day, or Nirvana Day is a Mahayana Buddhist holiday celebrated in East Asia. By some it is celebrated on 8th of February, but by most on 15th of February. It celebrates the day when the Buddha achieved Parinirvana, or complete Nirvana, upon the death of his physical body.


Gay Wisdom for Daily Living from White Crane Institute

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