Friday, April 17, 2015

Brokenhearted Baha'is: LGBT's Rejected by Their Church

Nicholas Snow welcomes Sean Rayshel, an openly-gay, third generation American Baha'i who for the past fifteen years has been an advocate for LGBT inclusiveness in the Baha'i Faith. Says the Baha'i official website, "the teachings of the Bahá’í Faith inspire individuals and communities as they work to improve their own lives and contribute to the advancement of civilization." Yet, in a widely circulated letter from the faith's Department of the Secretariat the faith reinforces,"Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, and sexual relations are only permissible between husband and wife."  Because of his same-sex marriage (since 2008 to Rich Tarpening), Sean faces the loss of his Administrative Rights and/or expulsion from the Baha'i Faith.

Sean founded the only LGBT Baha'i Twitter account Gay Baha'is United which currently has 1,500 followers, as well as being a co-administrator of the Facebook group "LGBTQ Baha'is and Allies".  Recently Sean has taken over the helm of the longest standing LGBT Baha'i online site Gay/Lesbian Baha'i Story Project.

Follow Nicholas on Twitter and Facebook to be alerted at the start of live broadcasts!

"That's Our Gal"

O hell yes!

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 17/04/2015

“A verdadeira riqueza nasce da confiança e da plenitude, não do medo. Para alinhar-se com a prosperidade é preciso desenvolver a virtude da confiança e se mover em direção à entrega. Nas áreas da sua vida em que você completou a entrega e já pode confiar no fluxo da vida, a energia flui livremente. As coisas acontecem com base na corrente de afirmação, que é a corrente que se move em direção à prosperidade, à saúde, ao contentamento.”
Para ler o Satsang completo, acesse:

“La verdadera riqueza nace de la confianza y de la plenitud, no del miedo. Para alinearte con la prosperidad es necesario desarrollar la virtud de la confianza y moverse en dirección a la entrega. En las áreas de tu vida en las que completaste la entrega y ya puedes confiar en el flujo de la vida, la energía fluye libremente. Las cosas suceden con base en la corriente de afirmación, que es la corriente que se mueve en dirección a la prosperidad, la salud, el contentamiento.”

"True wealth is born out of trust and abundance, not out of fear. In order to align oneself with prosperity, it is necessary to develop the virtue of trust and to move towards surrender. In the areas of your life where you have already surrendered and are able to trust in the flow of life, the energy flows freely. Things happen out of a current of affirmation. This current naturally moves towards prosperity, health, and contentment."

Via Daily Dharma

Receiving Love | April 17, 2015

Many people are extending love, the simple wish for us to be happy—and have been since the day we were born. What is remarkable to me is what happens when we are willing to notice it. And even more remarkable is what happens when we are willing to receive it. The simple act of accepting a stranger’s wish for our happiness empowers us to experience the world in a completely different way.

- John Makransky, "Love Is All Around"