Saturday, April 14, 2012

Browse|Upload Titanic - The Untold Gay Story

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma April 14, 2012

The Gift That Cannot Be Given

The Buddha taught ‘kingly or queenly giving,’ which means giving the best of what we have, instinctively and graciously, even if none remains for ourselves. We are only temporary caretakers of all that is provided; essentially, we own nothing. As this understanding takes root in us, there is no getting, possessing, and giving; there is just the spaciousness that allows all things to remain in the natural flow of life.
- Marcia Rose, "The Gift That Cannot Be Given"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Via JMG: FRC's Values Voters 2012: A Who's Who Of Hate Groups

Embiggen the images or go here to see who's on the slate for this year's Family Research Council Hato-O-Rama.

reposted from Joe

Via Takei/Facebook: