Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Via Facebook


Via Daily Dharma: Releasing Old Views

 We tend to think the gift is to have seen something new, but perhaps it’s more to have seen through something old, and the real discovery may not be a truer formulation but the giving up of any view.

Henry Shukman, “The Art of Being Wrong”


Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Intention: Cultivating Compassion


Cultivating Compassion
Whatever you intend, whatever you plan, and whatever you have a tendency toward, that will become the basis on which your mind is established. (SN 12.40) Develop meditation on compassion, for when you develop meditation on compassion, any cruelty will be abandoned. (MN 62)

Compassion is like a mother with a son who is ill, for she just wants the illness to go away. (Vm 9.108)
While lovingkindness is a universal intention of unbounded kindness and an indiscriminate wish for well-being that can radiate in all directions, compassion is what this changes into when it encounters a person or group of people suffering or being harmed. At that point the general urge for safety is focused on the intention to alleviate that suffering. Compassion is a particular form of lovingkindness, focused by suffering.

Daily Practice
In order to feel compassion, you have to be willing to see the suffering of others. It can be hard to open to this, but your lovingkindness will not transform into compassion unless you do. Practice being willing to witness suffering when you encounter it, and pay attention to the texture of your inner experience as it moves through phases: resistance to the pain, opening to it, feeling the hurt of it, then maturing into true compassion.

Tomorrow: Refraining from Malicious Speech
One week from today: Cultivating Appreciative Joy

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Via White Crane Institute // NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY


Original Keith Haring Poster for National Coming Out Day 1988
1988 -

NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY -- National Coming Out Day was founded by Robert Eichberg and Jean O'Leary on October 11, 1988 in celebration of the first Gay march on Washington D.C. a year earlier. The purpose of the march and of National Coming Out Day is to promote government and public awareness of Gay, bisexual, Lesbian and transgender rights and to celebrate homosexuality. National Coming Out Day is a time to publicly display Gay pride. Many choose this day to come out to their parents, friends, co-workers and themselves.


Gay Wisdom for Daily Living from White Crane Institute

"With the increasing commodification of gay news, views, and culture by powerful corporate interests, having a strong independent voice in our community is all the more important. White Crane is one of the last brave standouts in this bland new world... a triumph over the looming mediocrity of the mainstream Gay world." - Mark Thompson

Exploring Gay Wisdom & Culture since 1989!


Via LGBTQ Nation // Heartstopper books


“Heartstopper” books accused of “promoting the LGBTQ ideology” in library defunding effort