Will Journalist Face Deportation? Signs Point To 'No'
June 24, 2011 Although US Immigration and Customs Enforcement declined to comment directly on the case of Jose Antonio Vargas, the agency's recent actions ... http://www.npr.org/2011/06/24/137390554/will-journalist-face-deportation-signs-point-to-no
'Washington Post' Debated 'Undocumented' Reporter's ...
June 23, 2011 Some editors did not think Jose Antonio Vargas was giving them the full story, the newspaper reports. His account ended ... http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/06/23/137363517/washington-post-debated-undocumented-reporters-veracity?print=1Pulitzer-Winning Reporter: I Am An Undocumented Immigrant ...
June 22, 2011 Jose Antonio Vargas, a reporter who shared a Pulitzer Prize at The Washington Post, reveals that over many years he obtained a series of false ... http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/06/22/137344247/pulitzer-winning-reporter-i-am-an-undocumented-immigrant?print=1Jose Antonio Vargas
June 22, 2011 ... Public Radio Programs AZ | close. Jose Antonio Vargas archive. Thursday, June 23, 2011. ... Search Jose Antonio Vargas. Podcast + RSS Feeds. ... http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=137344260
A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Via NPR: Jose Antonio Vargas, Will Journalist Face Deportation? Signs Point To 'No'
Via JMG: HomoQuotable - David Mixner

"This is one of our big nights of celebration – I mean, we’re going to win this I think tomorrow, but we know this issue could go either way. This was a room full of people waiting to be jubilant. I knew he wasn’t he going to support marriage, but there were so many different ways he could have let us know that he understood this moment for us and how happy he was for us. I support him. After all, who wants President Bachmann?" - Longtime activist David Mixner, speaking to Equality Matters at last night's Obama fundraiser in NYC.
Via JMG: SAN DIEGO: Active Duty Military To March In Gay Pride Parade For First Time
Some real American history will be made at San Diego Pride.
"To my knowledge [it is] the first time in the history of Pride in the United States, ever, that we have said, 'Active duty, you are welcome,'" organizer Sean Sala said. "We want you to be there without fear of repercussions, because we love you." Sala, an active-duty sailor, said he was bothered to see that police and firefighters were represented in the Pride parade, but not the people who serve this country. "I thought it was weird because San Diego has the biggest military installation in the United States, and military are public servants as well," he said.About 200 service members have reportedly signed up to march. They will not wear their uniforms, as per military regulations.
Via JMG: NYT Rips New York Senate On Inaction
The New York Times tears into the GOP-led New York Senate for dragging their feet on marriage equality.
As we wrote this editorial on Thursday evening, we were still waiting for the New York State Senate to do what it should have done long ago — end a basic inequality under the law by allowing same-sex couples the full right to marry. The solution is obvious: Pass a clean bill that allows all adult New Yorkers to marry whomever they choose to marry, without unneeded exemptions for religious-affiliated organizations. [snip] In Albany, they say hidden talks are necessary to get anything done. Nonsense. The state’s leaders just don’t want public scrutiny. It’s a cowardly way to conduct the public’s business.Right fucking on.
Via JMG: Gay Rights?

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