Monday, February 17, 2025

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Om Namo Narayanaya Chanting | 528 Hz Miracle Tone for Inner Peace & Divi...

Sacred Earth - Om Namo Narayanaya - Live

Via Quora // Om Namo Narayanaya


The mantra ‘Om Namo Narayanaya’ invokes Narayana, the supreme Lord of protection, and bows to him with all reverence. While it simply means ‘I bow to Lord Narayana

  • This Lord Vishnu mantra for wealth also brings in the peace, happiness & good health to the members of the family.
  • It helps you to experience eternal peace, divinity, and consciousness.
  • Chanting the above mantra with the help of rosary beads is much effective in eliminating negative emotions, anger, ego & ignorance.
  • Creates harmony, love, tranquility and clears obstacles.
  • This ‘mantra of peace’ helps attain self-realization & burns Karma.
  • Removes evil spirits and creates powerful positive vibrations.
  • Strengthens the inner core & builds self-confidence showing the right path to success.
  • The ultimate benefit of chanting this mantra is the attainment of liberation manifesting Shravan Bhakti.


“Om Namo Narayana” is a Vedic mantra of Shriman Narayana. It is a Taraka Mantra. It has the power to liberate you from the cycle of birth and death. If chanted with diligence and if your Karma is right, it has the power to give you supreme Moksha in Vaikunth Dhama itself. It is a highly Active Mantra which creates an instant connection between yourself and your Antaryami, the soul of all souls Narayana himself.

Narayana Upanishad

Om ithyagre vyaahareth nama ithi paschath. Narayanasa ethyuparishath. Om ithyekaksharam. Nama ithi dhwe akshare. Narayanayethi Panchaksharani. Ethadwai Narayanasyashtaksharam padam. Yoha vai Narayanasya ashtaksharam pada madhyethi. AAnapabroova sarva mayurethi. Vindathe Prajapathyam rayasposham gowpathyam thatho amruthathwamasruthe thatho amrutha masnutha ithi. Ethath Sama Veda siro adithe. 3

Tell “Om “ first and then tell “Nama” After this tell “Narayana”. There is one letter in “Om”. There are two letters in “Nama”. There are five letters in “Narayana.” Together is formed the eight lettered “Om Namo Narayana”. He, who tells these eight letters, attains full life without any blemish. He would attain salvation after becoming the lord of the people and be blessed with lots of wealth, lots of cows and all other forms of wealth. Thus is read the Upanishads of Sama Veda.

Tarasara Upanishad

  1. Then Bharadvaja asked Yajnavalkya: “What is Taraka ? What is that which causes one to cross (this mundane existence)”. To which Yajnavalkya replied: “Om Namo Narayanaya is the Taraka. It should be worshipped as Chidatma. Om is a single syllable and of the nature of Atman. Namah is of two syllables and is of the nature of Prakriti (matter). Narayanaya is of five syllables and is of the nature of Parabrahman. He who knows this becomes immortal. Through ‘Om’, is Brahma produced; through ‘Na’ is Vishnu produced; through ‘Ma’ is Rudra produced; through ‘Na’ is Ishvara produced; through ‘Ra’ is the Anda-Virat (or Virat of the universe) produced; through ‘Ya’ is Purusha produced; through ‘Na’ is Bhagavan (Lord) produced; and through ‘Ya’ is Paramatman produced. This Ashtakshara (eight syllables) of Narayana is the supreme and the highest Purusha. Thus is the Rig-Veda with the first foot (or half).

Now it is a Vedic Mantra and a Taraka Mantra, which makes it extremely potent. If one just wants to worships Narayana in a Nishkama way then uttering it without Upadesha is fine. However if one wants extreme amount of spiritual growth then Guru Upadesha is important. Vedanta Desika clearly says this about the Taraka Mantra of Narayana.

tāram pūrvaṃ tadanuhṛdayaṃ tacca nārāyaṇāyeti
āmnāyoktam padamavayatāṃ sārtham-ācārya-dattam

Om Namo Narayana🙏🏼🦚🕉️

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Via GBF// The latest newsletter features talk by Jokai

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The newsletter features a transcription of a talk by Jokai at GBF.  The talk is titled "Embracing the Six Paramis".

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Via Dhamma Wheel | Right View: Understanding the Noble Truth of Suffering


Understanding the Noble Truth of Suffering
When people have met with suffering and become victims of suffering, they come to me and ask me about the noble truth of suffering. Being asked, I explain to them the noble truth of suffering. (MN 77) What is suffering? (MN 9)

Death is suffering. The passing away of beings, their dissolution, disappearance, dying, completion of time, dissolution of aggregates, laying down of the body. (MN 9)
It is natural that we experience a great deal of mental pain when someone we love dies. Such pain is an inevitable part of life. The Buddha never said there is a way to make pain go away. How much suffering it causes, however, is another matter. Pain is amplified by our resentment of it and our resistance to it, and by our wishing it would go away. Pain is diminished by our turning toward it, accepting it, and attempting to learn from it.
Daily Practice
Reflect on the poignancy of death, either the death of someone dear to you or your own inevitable death. Allow yourself to feel the sorrow, which is an expression of mental pain. This is natural. Also allow yourself to feel strong, whole, and balanced in the midst of the sorrow. Mental pain, like physical pain, is something to be examined carefully and with equanimity. We need not feel overwhelmed by it.    
Tomorrow: Cultivating Lovingkindness
One week from today: Understanding the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering

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Via Daily Dharma: Transforming the Present Moment


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Transforming the Present Moment

The present moment is never simply to be accepted as it is. Because part of it is constructed in the present, it can always be improved; it can even be turned into the path to the end of suffering.

Thānissaro Bhikkhu, “The Karma of Now”

Classroom Mindfulness Put to the Test
By Emma Varvaloucas
Is mindfulness causing children more harm than good? 
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