Friday, April 7, 2023

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Living: Abstaining from Misbehaving Among Sensual Pleasures



Undertaking the Commitment to Abstain from Misbehaving Among Sensual Pleasures 
Sensual misconduct is unhealthy. Refraining from sensual misconduct is healthy. (MN 9) Abandoning sensual misconduct, one abstains from misbehaving among sensual pleasures. (MN 41) One practices thus: “Others may engage in sensual misconduct, but I will abstain from sensual misconduct.” (MN 8)

Communities are of two kinds: those to be cultivated and those not to be cultivated. Such communities as cause, in one who cultivates them, unhealthy states to increase and healthy states to diminish, such communities are not to be cultivated. But such communities as cause, in one who cultivates them, unhealthy states to diminish and healthy states to increase, such communities are to be cultivated. (MN 114)
Collective relationships are as important to examine as personal relationships. Just as the kinds of friends we keep affect our own development so also the communities we are part of make a difference in what qualities are supported in us. It is so easy to fall into sensual misconduct; we are being encouraged here to attend carefully to the larger social forces with which we regularly interact. It makes a difference in who we become.

Daily Practice
Reflect upon the various communities you inhabit and assess truthfully whether they are healthy or unhealthy groups. The criteria are pretty straightforward: Do healthy states of mind increase or decrease when you hang out with this crowd? Do unhealthy states increase or decrease? It is important to ensure that the relationships we cultivate are helping us grow in a positive direction and that we are not being led astray by our peers.

Tomorrow: Developing Unarisen Healthy States
One week from today: Abstaining from Intoxication

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Via Daily Dharma: Spring Cleaning

 What we need to relinquish is our attachment to possessions and experiences, not the things themselves.

Toinette Lippe, “Between Eternities”


Via IMS Sangha News ~ April 2023

Citta: Mindfulness of Mind
IMS Teacher Tempel Smith

“If we didn't take our minds so personally, we could learn a lot about being human. Some of the themes are universal. Some people have a little more fear, some have a little more anger, some have a little more peacefulness. But we all have a human mind and there are a lot of commonalities to having a human mind. The invitation of mindfulness—and what I would love for you to do—is to get more intimate with your own mind and take it less personally.”

In this dharma talk, given as part of IMS's Befriending the World through Mindfulness retreat, Tempel Smith reflects on the Third Foundation of Mindfulness, citta or mindfulness of mind.

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