Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Via Ram Dass / Words of Wisdom - November 29, 2017

If we have finally decided we want God, we’ve got to give it all up. The process is one of keeping the ground as we go up, so we always have ground, so that we’re high and low at the same moment – that’s a tough game to learn, but it’s a very important one. The game isn’t to get high – the game is to get balanced and liberated.
- Ram Dass -

Via Daily Dharma: Joy Arises from Simplicity

Once we are willing to be directly intimate with our life as it arises, joy emerges out of the simplest of life experiences.

—Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara, “Simple Joy

Via 7 of 12 Daily Dharma: Break through Walls with Dharma

The dharma breaks through every wall we erect because its ultimate goal is compassion, but compassion arises only when we embrace the foreigner as the self.

—Kurt Spellmeyer, “Globalism 3.0