Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Via Daily Dharma: Our Home of Practice

The body is our house—and how we live in it and where we occupy it are uniquely ours, as well as being part of the common human experience. The body is a treasure trove and an exquisite vehicle for our practice of waking up and being with what is.

—Jill Satterfield, “Meditation in Motion

Via Marianne Williamson (Illuminata: Thoughts, Prayers, Rites of Passage)

May this house be a sacred dwelling for those who live here. 
May those who visit feel the peace we have received from You. 
May darkness not enter. 
May the light of God shield this house from harm. 
May the angels bring their peace here and use our home as a haven of light. 
May all grow strong in this place of healing, our sanctuary from the loudness of the world. 
May it so be used by You forever.

- Marianne Williamson (Illuminata: Thoughts, Prayers, Rites of Passage)