Sunday, February 28, 2016

Via Ram Dass

February 28, 2016

To die consciously, you must live consciously. To live consciously, you must have the courage to go inside yourself to find out ‘who you really are.’ To understand that behind all of the masks of individual differences you are a being of beauty, love and awareness. Christ said, “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” He wasn’t just putting you on. When the Buddha said, “Every person is the Buddha,” he was saying the same thing.


Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 28/02/2016

“Eu sou um homem espiritual, mas gosto muito de me sentar com todos os tipos de pessoas, até as mais céticas e materialistas. Essa aparente diferença é justamente o que me estimula, pois independentemente daquilo que cada um acredita, sempre há algo em comum entre nós. O nosso trabalho é criar união, mas para realizarmos essa meta, precisamos nos libertar de qualquer resquício de fanatismo. Por isso, independentemente do seu time de futebol, do seu partido político ou da sua religião, eu estou sempre aberto para te receber.”

“Soy un hombre espiritual, pero me gusta mucho sentarme con todos los tipos de personas, incluso los más escépticos y materialistas. Esta aparente diferencia es justamente lo que me estimula, porque independientemente de lo que cada uno cree, siempre hay algo en común entre nosotros. Nuestro trabajo es crear unión, pero para realizar esta meta, necesitamos liberarnos de cualquier rastro de fanatismo. Por eso, independientemente de tu equipo de fútbol, de tu partido político o de tu religión, yo estoy siempre abierto a recibirte.”

"I am a man of spirituality, but I like to meet with all kinds of people, even the most skeptical and materialistic ones. This apparent difference enthralls me, because regardless of each person’s beliefs, there is always something in common between us. Our goal is to create union, but for that we must free ourselves from any trace of fanaticism. Regardless of what one’s religion, political party or favorite soccer team is, I'm always open to receive you.

Via Daily Dharma: The First Step

We’re often not aware of the extent to which fear plays a part in our lives, which means that the first stage of practicing with fear requires acknowledging its presence.

—Ezra Bayda, "The Three Things We Fear Most"