Indiana's Governor Mike Pence just signed a new law, the Religious
Freedom Restoration Act, that will protect businesses that discriminate
against LGBT and the response is just awesome.
George Takei, (Sulu from Star Trek) has written a letter and petition challenging all businesses who oppose the new law to boycott the entire state.

He asks people to join him in this boycott
ESPN, Keith Olbermann is calling on both the National College Athletic Association and the National Football League to boycott Indiana until the new law is repealed.
He tweets:
Salesforce, a $4 billion dollar software corporation, has also decided to boycott Indiana, saying:
George Takei, (Sulu from Star Trek) has written a letter and petition challenging all businesses who oppose the new law to boycott the entire state.
He asks people to join him in this boycott
ESPN, Keith Olbermann is calling on both the National College Athletic Association and the National Football League to boycott Indiana until the new law is repealed.
He tweets:
Simple fact: after Indiana enacts a law permitting prejudice against some of its customers, NCAA should pull Final 4 out of Indy. Right now
I don't care if Final 4 winds up being played in a parking lot in Tulsa, NCAA has no right to support legally codified hatred and stupidity
And for that matter the NFL should play no games in Indiana until and unless this hateful, medieval measure is repealed.
And if you fall back on the discredited "orientation is a choice," ask yourself: what is religion if not a choice? Or passing hate laws?
Salesforce, a $4 billion dollar software corporation, has also decided to boycott Indiana, saying:
"We have been an active member of the Indiana business community and a key job creator for more than a decade," Scott McCorkle, CEO of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud division, wrote in a letter to Indiana lawmakers. "Our success is fundamentally based on our ability to attract and retain the best and most diverse pool of highly skilled employees, regardless of gender, religious affiliation, ethnicity or sexual orientation."
"Without an open business environment that welcomes all residents and visitors," he warned, "Salesforce will be unable to continue building on its tradition of marketing innovation in Indianapolis."The company is joined by Fortune 500 member Cummins, Eskenazi Health, Eli Lilly and Co, Pat McAfee, Jason Collins (Mayor of Indianapolis) and Gen Con (a $50 million annual gaming convention). Salesforce threatens to stop expansion plans of their recently purchased Indianapolis based company, Exact Target.
Maybe these responses will make some impression the Governor? If not,
maybe the response from the business community his law is going to hurt
will force him to change the law he just passed. And maybe it's going
to be pitchfork time very soon.