Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Charter for Compassion
the invitation has arrived
to step into our courage
and our full humanity
from this day forward
the harm can only unfold
and multiply and spread
with our silence
with our consent
with our participation
we will not be silent
we do not consent and
we will not participate
in legitimating violence, lies and division
the love that we are
the love that connects us all
the love that bends history
even in this dark moment
towards liberation 
We are one 
we are many and
we are one
it is time 
dear friends 
the revolution of love
must be completed 
And it is only possible 
if on this day
we commit our lives 
to walking the hard road 
because there is now only one way forward 
adapted from work by Taj James, founder and Executive Director of the Movement Strategy Center
Join us for a Special Charter for Compassion Conference Call: After the Election
A discussion about compassion and how we are called to act following a US election season that has brought out strains of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and bigotry. How can we heal? How are we called to action? What can we bring to the mission of making compassion a luminous force?
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Via Ram Dass


The enlightened being, or the person that’s awakened, realizes that the game is to walk through the path and leave no footprint. Leave no footprint because whatever footprint you leave is just more karmic stuff. Do what you do, but do it so purely. They say in the Tao, “The leader who leads best leads so that at the end, you think you did it yourself.” The next best leader you admire, the next best you fear, and the worst leader pays you.

Via Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma / November 9, 2016: Anger, Sans Storyline

When you feel the fear and you feel the rage in meditation, there’s no storyline. There’s just the experience of the arising and passing away of the emotions and the sensations in the body, and seeing how they relate to one another.

—Gavin Harrison, "Lotus in the Fire"