Friday, May 7, 2010

Via Belirico: Florida Taxpayers Paid Reker's $120,000, Twice What Was Initially Reported

Did Bill McCollum's office hide the truth about payments?

Attorney General Bill McCollum has scrambled to distance himself from the "star" witness he paid to defend Florida's anti-gay adoption ban after George Rekers was caught in the Miami Airport with a male prostitute.

But did McCollum mislead the public and reporters when asked about the huge sums the Attorney General's office directed to Rekers and his co-hort Walter Schumm?

First of all, it turns out the number is much, much larger than originally reported. An
online search of Florida vendors shows Rekers was paid roughly $120,000 and his co-hort Walter Schumm recieved an additional $36,000 in taxpayer money.

McCollum's office also tried to downplay their relationship with Rekers, insisting that DCF paid him, ignoring the fact that the Attorney General's office prosecuted the case, defined the strategy and selected its witnesses. But was McCollum's attempt to shift focus to DCF more than a political sleight of hand? Was it simply a lie?

Continue reading "Florida Taxpayers Paid Reker's $120,000, Twice What Was Initially Reported" »

Craig Ferguson

Via JMG: Play it Loud!

Sean Chapin - This Is Not A Hate Crime

JMG reader Sean Chapin reacts to yesterday's "not a hate crime" verdict in Brooklyn. Watch this. WATCH THIS.

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a repost from JMG

May 17th International day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO)

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May 17th International day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO)

The International day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) is coming up soon!

The World Congress of GLBT Jews has declared its support for the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO), which will take place on May 17, 2010. The organizers of this campaign are protesting the use of religion to propagate intolerance on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation. As the worldwide Jewish voice of the GLBT community, the World Congress supports the goals of IDAHO, and envisions a world in which all religions promote full inclusion, acceptance, and celebration of the diversity of humanity.
We urge you to visit the website to connect with the international organizers of IDAHO. Find out about the International Media Project, the Global Kiss-in, and how to sign the International Appeal. Events are planned around the world, including in Israel, where you can find out more at Let's mobilize everywhere against homophobia and transphobia!


17 de MAYO Día Internacional contra la Homofobia y la Transfobia (IDAHO)

El Congreso Mundial de Judío/as GLBT declara su apoyo a IDAHO (Día Internacional Contra la Homofobia)

El Congreso Mundial de Judío/as GLBT ha declarado su apoyo al Día Internacional Contra la Homofobia (IDAHO, en Inglés), a llevarse a cabo el día 17 de Mayo del 2010. Los organizadores de esta campaña estarán protestando por el uso de la religión como modo de propagar la intolerancia basada en la orientación sexual. Como una organización Judía Mundial que lleva la voz de la comunidad GLBT, el Congreso Mundial de Judíos/as GLBT apoya los objetivos de IDAHO, y desea un mundo donde todas las religiones promueven la completa inclusión, aceptación, y celebración de la diversidad.
Les pedimos que visiten su sitio web para tomar contacto con los organizadores de IDAHO y para informarse sobre el Proyecto Internacional de los Medios, el Besuqueo Mundial y como firmar el pedido internacional. Los eventos planeados alrededor del mundo, incluyendo Israel donde pueden encontrar la información aquí

Es tiempo de hacer algo contra la homofobia y transfobia!


Le 17 mai, la Journée Mondiale contre l'Homophobie et la Transphobie (IDAHO) sera une fois de plus célébrée dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde. N'oubliez pas de nous faire part de vos projets et activités, pour que d'autres puissent avoir l'information et être inspiré(e)s par vos idées !

Par ailleurs, sur le site international de la Journée vous trouverez toutes les informations sur nos projets internationaux, auxquels nous vous invitons à participer :

- la campagne internationale « Religions, homophobie, transphobie ». Pour s'opposer à l'utilisation des religions par les extrémistes et favoriser l'émergence de voix progressistes, signez et faites circuler l'appel international !

- l'initiative du Grand KISS-IN mondial. Organisez vous aussi un kiss-in dans votre ville et/ou participez au kiss-in en ligne sur . Nous éditerons pour le 17 mai une video internationale (souvenez vous de IDAHO 2009 : )

- le projet « Média contre l?homophobie et la transphobie » : un même texte sera publié à travers le monde pour le 17 mai par des quotidiens, webzines, blogs,etc Tous les détails du projet sur pour contacter vos médias nationaux, LGBT ou non.

Pour plus d'information sur ces projets, et nous faire part de vos initiatives :

Nous vous souhaitons une bonne mobilisation pour la Journée Internationale contre l'Homophobie et la Transphobie !

L'équipe du comité IDAHO

BuzzFlash's GOP Hypocrite of the Week Award

George Alan Rekers Wins BuzzFlash's GOP Hypocrite of the Week Award for Working to Deny Gay People Civil Rights While Sneaking Off With 'Rentboy' Cutie. Long-time readers knew this was coming as soon as the news broke about the un-gay magician being caught with a young male escort at the Miami International Airport. Come on, how could we not?