Thursday, January 7, 2010

And now for something completely different....

From JMG: #teapartypickuplines

From last night's favorite trending topic on Twitter...
  • Hey baby, only my government is small.
  • I wanna whisper sweet anti-immigrant, homophobic, racist, xenophobic nothings into your ear.
  • How about you and me go have sex - lights out, missionary position, for the sole purpose of reproduction?
  • I wanna unravel your conspiracy so my revolution can erupt all over you.
  • The real reason I'm against tax increases? So I can spend all my money on you, girl.
  • You're hotter than the burning cross I put in my black neighbor's front lawn.
  • Is that a Glenn Beck bobblehead in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
  • On the border I'm a Minuteman, but in the bedroom I'm alllll night.
  • Lets go back to my place and declare independence from our clothes.
  • Wanna see my paintings of an eagle crying over the New York skyline on 9/11?

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Thanksfor JMG for this

From JMG: Was The Prop 8 Vote Count Corrupted?

The Electronic Defense Alliance has published a lengthy analysis comparing exit polls and the actual Prop 8 vote count in Los Angeles County, concluding that the results discrepancy "cannot be explained away by demographics or polling factors."
Although this exit poll analysis cannot provide conclusive proof of election fraud (because such proof would require access to memory cards and computer code accorded proprietary exemption from public examination) it does provide the strongest indirect proof available that election results have almost certainly been altered by manipulation of the computerized voting systems. Deviations between exit polls and official results far outside margins of error, cannot be explained away by demographics or polling factors. The facts established in these reports cannot responsibly be dismissed or evaded. Election Defense Alliance calls on legislators, secretaries of state, attorneys general, the voting public, and especially candidates in upcoming elections, to read these reports and seriously confront their implications.
Their report is here. (PDF)

(Tipped by JMG reader Sean Chapin)

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lifted from JMG

From JMG: Was The Prop 8 Vote Count Corrupted?

The Electronic Defense Alliance has published a lengthy analysis comparing exit polls and the actual Prop 8 vote count in Los Angeles County, concluding that the results discrepancy "cannot be explained away by demographics or polling factors."
Although this exit poll analysis cannot provide conclusive proof of election fraud (because such proof would require access to memory cards and computer code accorded proprietary exemption from public examination) it does provide the strongest indirect proof available that election results have almost certainly been altered by manipulation of the computerized voting systems. Deviations between exit polls and official results far outside margins of error, cannot be explained away by demographics or polling factors. The facts established in these reports cannot responsibly be dismissed or evaded. Election Defense Alliance calls on legislators, secretaries of state, attorneys general, the voting public, and especially candidates in upcoming elections, to read these reports and seriously confront their implications.
Their report is here. (PDF)

(Tipped by JMG reader Sean Chapin)

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lifted from JMG