Sunday, August 14, 2011

Via JMG: Crazy Eyes Wins Iowa Straw Poll

Rick Perry got 718 write-in votes.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Hate Groups Cheer Crazy Eyes

Hate groups leader, KKK fundraiser, and white supremacist Tony Perkins applauded yesterday's win by Rep. Michele Bachmann, saying it will be impossible to shrink the government if gay marriage is allowed. In the clip below, Perkins and his fellow panelist point out that the most anti-gay candidates finished the highest in the Iowa straw poll.

reposted from Joe

Via AmericablogGay: Meet Gabe Aderhold, the 17 year old student who heckled Bachmann

Yesterday, Michele and Marcus Bachmann got heckled at the Iowa State Fair -- by 17 year old Gabe Aderhold. The Des Moines Register interviewed him:

Gabe Aderhold said before heckling Michele Bachmann at today’s Iowa State Fair that his mission was to help educate the representative about how harmful her rhetoric against gay and lesbians is to her constituents.
Aderhold, 17, is gay and said part of his reasons for speaking publicly is to bring awareness to gay issues after the death of a family friend – a 15-year-old gay boy who lived in Bachmann’s district and who committed suicide in 2009 after being bullied.
“It is her responsibility to address social issues in her area, and there have been six suicides in the last year from being bullied in her district,” Aderhold said to The Des Moines Register prior to heckling Michele Bachmann today at the Iowa State Fair.