Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Via Lion's Roar: Endless Moments of Insight by Mahasi Sayadaw

In this translated teaching, the late meditation master Mahasi Sayadaw
presents his step-by-step instructions for the practice of insight meditation. 
Buddha statue
Seated Buddha. Courtesy of the Yale University Art Gallery

Mahasi Sayadaw was one of the most learned and respected Burmese Buddhist monks of the last century, and his practice, writings, and teachings have had immense influence on Western practitioners of insight meditation.

For seven months in 1945, during the daily bombardment of the neighboring town of Shwebo, Mahasi Sayadaw wrote his great work, the Manual of Insight Meditation. In Theravada Buddhism, vipassana, or insight meditation, involves the ever-deepening intuitive understanding of the three universal characteristics of all experience: impermanence (anicca), unsatisfactoriness (dukkha), and an impersonal, evanescent quality (anatta). In his Manual of Insight Meditation, Mahasi Sayadaw expounds in detail the doctrinal and practical aspects of the development of insight meditation.

Via LionsRoar: “Real but Not True”: How These Four Words Can Help With Strong Emotions

Sometimes we think irrational things while the truth is right in front of us. When that happens, says Jeremy Mohler, four simple words can help bring us back to earth.


 Make the jump here

Via Ram Dass / Words of Wisdom - May 8, 2019 💌

We take birth as humans, because we have karma which is our clingings of mind. As the Tao says, ‘the truth waits for eyes unclouded by longing.’ So that we don’t hear the truth fully, we only hear the projections of our own desires. So again and again we make decisions that end up not being in the deepest harmony with the way of things. The art of growth has to do with how quickly you admit error and start making decisions that are arising out of the fullness of the wisdom of things.

- Ram Dass -

Via Daily Dharma: Unconditional Awareness

Awareness is like a crystal or mirror that reflects different colors and angles: forms, sounds, and feelings are different aspects of awareness and exist within awareness. Or you might view awareness as a guesthouse. Every type of traveler passes through—sensations, emotions, everything. Every type is welcome. No exceptions.

—Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche with Helen Tworkov, “Leaving Everything Behind