Sunday, May 2, 2021

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Live - Orquestra Ouro Preto - A-Ha

Via Tricycle


Threading the Needle
By James Shaheen
Over the past 30 years, Tricycle has engaged Buddhist traditionalists and innovators alike in an evolving dialogue—and never before has the conversation been so dynamic and diverse. 
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Via Daily Dharma: Becoming a Place of Rest

 May I become an island for those seeking dry land
A lamp for those needing light,
A place of rest for those who desire one,
And a servant for those needing service.

—Shantideva, “May I Become an Island”


Via White Crane Institute // BENJAMIN SPOCK


Dr. Benjamin Spock and a child who will, no doubt, Live Long and Prosper
1903 -

The go-to pediatrician BENJAMIN SPOCK was born (d: 1998). Before there was Vulcan "Spock" there was Dr. Spock. His book, Baby and Child Care, published in 1946, is one of the biggest best-sellers of all time. Its revolutionary message to mothers was that "you know more than you think you do."

Spock was an early advocate for the rights of LGBT people. He was also the People's Party candidate in the 1972 United States presidential election on a platform which called for free medical care, the repeal of "victimless crime" laws, including the legalization of abortion, homosexuality, and marijuana, a guaranteed minimum income for families and the immediate withdrawal of all American troops from foreign countries. He died in 1998.

Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - May 2, 2021 💌

See your spiritual practice as one of relinquishing definitions of yourself in order to come into the present.

See the spiritual journey as one of coming into the space of love. Look at the people you don’t love and see them as an exercise for you to open your heart.⁣

-Ram Dass -


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