Thursday, May 14, 2015

Via JMG: WYOMING: Laramie City Council Approves Sweeping LGBT Rights Ordinance

Via the Associated Press:
The Laramie City Council on Wednesday approved a local anti-discrimination ordinance in the college town where Matthew Shepard's death triggered nationwide sympathy and brought a re-examination of attitudes toward gays 17 years ago. The council voted 7-2 in favor of the measure that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in housing, employment and access to public facilities such as restaurants.

Local organizers focused their efforts on Laramie after the Legislature repeatedly rejected anti-discrimination bills, most recently early this year. The Laramie Nondiscrimination Task Force presented a draft ordinance to the City Council last summer. Jeran Artery, head of the group Wyoming Equality which has lobbied for the anti-discrimination measures at the state Legislature, said he was thrilled with the council vote.

Judy Shepard, Matt Shepard's mother, is active in a Denver-based foundation that bears her son's name and focuses on equality issues. "I'm thrilled that Laramie's doing it, at the same time sort of saddened that the state of Wyoming can't see fit to do that as well," Shepard told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Wednesday before the council vote from Washington, D.C. "Maybe the rest of Wyoming will understand this is about fellow human beings and not something that's other than what they are."

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via JMG: Empire State To Go Red For AIDS Walk

Tonight Harvey Fierstein will throw the switch to illuminate the Empire State Building in red as part of the GMHC's "Light Up New York" campaign to mark this weekend's 30th Annual AIDS Walk in Central Park.

Fierstein says: "May these lights, and those burning throughout the city, brighten the night sky with remembrance of the countless precious friends and family we've lost to AIDS. May they carry our pledge to see the end of this disease once and for all."

Numerous other city landmarks are also going red this week. They include One World Trade Center, Bloomingdale's, the Helmsley Building,  the JFK control tower, the Bank Of America tower, the New York Stock Exchange, and the NASDAQ billboard in Times Square.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Faces - United Nations Free & Equal

Via FB Amigos

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 14/05/2015

A ignorância em relação à nossa realidade espiritual faz com que vejamos somente a superfície das coisas. Perdemos a capacidade de enxergar o espírito que nos habita. O materialismo é o responsável por isso. Por causa dele o ser humano está sempre numa correria pelo lucro e se esquece do respeito, da gentileza, da bondade e do amor. Nos tornamos especialistas em transformar tudo em dinheiro. Tudo vira instrumento para adquirir poder. O dinheiro é uma forma de energia muito poderosa que faz parte do jogo neste mundo, porém essa energia precisa estar a serviço do espírito. Quando utilizado pela sabedoria, o dinheiro é um instrumento divino, mas quando utilizado pela ignorância, ele se torna uma ferramenta de destruição.”

“La ignorancia en relación a nuestra realidad espiritual hace que veamos solamente la superficie de las cosas. Perdemos la capacidad de ver el espíritu que nos habita. El materialismo es el responsable de eso. Por causa de éste el ser humano está siempre en una carrera por el lucro y se olvida del respeto, de la gentileza, de la bondad y del amor. Nos volvimos especialistas en transformar todo en dinero. Todo se vuelve un instrumento para adquirir poder. El dinero es una forma de energía muy poderosa que es parte del juego en este mundo, sin embargo esta energía necesita estar al servicio del espíritu. Cuando es utilizado por la sabiduría, el dinero es un instrumento divino, pero cuando es utilizado por la ignorancia se vuelve una herramienta de destrucción.”

"When we are ignorant about our own spiritual reality, we see things only at the surface level. We lose sight of the spirit that inhabits us. Materialism is the culprit here, causing humans to fall into a rat-race for profit. We forget all about being respectful and kind, about being good and loving. We specialize in monetizing everything around us, so it all becomes a means of giving us power. Money is a powerful energy and an inherent part of the game of life in this world – but this energy needs to be at service of spirit. When used with wisdom, money becomes a divine tool; when it's employed by ignorance, it becomes a destructive weapon."

Via Daily Dharma

Letting Go of Spiritual Experience | May 14, 2015

In the overall context of the spiritual journey, it is important to remember that self-transformation is a continuous process, not a onetime event. One cannot say, 'I used to be a nonspiritual person, but now I have been transformed into a spiritual person. My old self is dead.' We are constantly being transformed when we travel on the path.

- Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche, "Letting Go of Spiritual Experience"

Thich Nat Hanh: Explicacion del Ego

Explicacion del Ego
Posted by DJ Pollyfonika on Friday, October 10, 2014