Monday, October 26, 2020

Via Daily Dharma: Free Yourself from Ignorance

 As we loosen our grip and step into not-knowing (or at least being-not-so-sure), we have the opportunity to free ourselves from the self-imposed prison of ignorance.

—Pamela Weiss, “Melting into Freedom”


Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - October 25, 2020 💌


To get from ego to the true self I say: “I am loving awareness.” Loving awareness is the soul. I am loving awareness. I am aware of everything, I’m aware of my body and my senses and my mind, I’m aware of all of it, but I notice that I’m loving all of it. I’m loving all of the world. The self that I identify with emanates from the ocean of love. The self that is the ego is the ocean of fear.

When I am loving awareness I’m aware of everything outside, but pulling into the heart, the spiritual heart brings me to loving awareness. I’m aware of my thoughts, but loving awareness is simply witnessing them. And loving awareness is in the moment. I have thoughts about the past and future, and those are not helpful, so I dive deep into the present and the presence and in this present moment we will find loving awareness.

Only this moment is real, this moment of loving awareness. The past and the future are all just thoughts.

- Ram Dass -

Via Tricycle // How to Survive Election Night and Beyond


How to Survive Election Night and Beyond
By The Editors
If you’re nervous about the next few weeks, you’re not alone. We’ve compiled some helpful tips, practices, and offerings to help you get through the US elections in one piece. 
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Via Daily Dharma: Speak with Greater Skill

 When we speak with greater skill, our true self—our compassionate, loving self—emerges with gentle ease.

—Allan Lokos, “Skillful Speech”