A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Via All Out
A Irlanda acaba de se tornar o primeiro país no mundo a dizer 'sim' ao casamento igualitário por meio de uma votação popular. Compartilhe essa notícia histórica!
Via Human Rights Campaign:
BREAKING: Historic Victory for Marriage Equality in Ireland #LoveWins #EqualityForward #marref http://www.hrc.org/ireland
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 23/05/2015
“A preguiça normalmente é interpretada como uma falta de caráter, mas
ela é, na verdade, o resultado de sentimentos negados e bloqueados no
sistema. Ela é uma das matrizes do eu inferior que se caracteriza por
uma paralisação em relação ao que precisa ser feito. Às vezes a pessoa
não consegue sair da cama, mas às vezes ela faz muitas coisas, menos
aquilo que precisa ser feito.”
Para acessar ai Satsang completo, acesse: bit.ly/1F0kh9J
“La pereza normalmente es interpretada como una falta de carácter, pero
en realidad es el resultado de sentimientos negados y bloqueados en el
sistema. Es una de las matrices del yo inferior que se caracteriza por
una paralización en relación a lo que hay que hacer. A veces una persona
no puede levantarse de la cama, pero a veces ella hace muchas cosas,
menos aquello que necesita ser hecho.”
“Laziness is usually seen as a poor character trait, but it is in fact the result of repressed and blocked feelings in the system. It is one of the matrices of the lower self that manifests as paralysis in the face of what needs to be done. Sometimes the person cannot even get out of bed, and in other cases the person may be busy doing a lot of things – except that which actually needs to be done.”
“Laziness is usually seen as a poor character trait, but it is in fact the result of repressed and blocked feelings in the system. It is one of the matrices of the lower self that manifests as paralysis in the face of what needs to be done. Sometimes the person cannot even get out of bed, and in other cases the person may be busy doing a lot of things – except that which actually needs to be done.”
Via JMG: Panti Bliss: IT'S A LANDSLIDE
Less than one hour into the counting of the ballots, leading Irish
activist Panti Bliss is calling it a landslide in favor of same-sex
marriage. Three minutes later David Quinn, founder of the anti-gay Iona
Institute tweeted his congratulations to the Yes Equality side. From the
Irish Times:
Reposted from Joe Jervis
First indications show a strong Yes vote for same-sex marriage in urban areas as counting gets under way in count centres around the country. Ballot boxes were opened at 9am and votes cast in the same-sex referendum are being counted first. While the official result is not expected until this evening, early tallies are expected to give a clear indication of the likely result. Prominent No campaigner and director of the Iona Institute David Quinn seemed to concede the vote tweeting “Congratulations to the Yes site. Well done.” According to Minister for Equality Aodhán Ó Ríordáin the vote seems to be heavily in favour of allowing same-sex marriage. Speaking from the main count centre in Dublin shortly after the first tallies emerged Mr Ó Ríordáin said: “I think it’s won. I’ve seen bellwether boxes open, middle-of-the road areas who wouldn’t necessarily be liberal and they are resoundingly voting yes”. Fianna Fáil leader Micheal Martin has said it’s looking like an emphatic yes vote in the same-sex marriage referendum. Fine Gael Minister for Health Leo Varadkar has said it’s now a question of whether any constituency will return a no vote.Results have not yet been posted to the government's official tabulation site.
VIA JMF IRELAND: Fine Gael Calls It
From the Associated Press:
Reposted from Joe Jervis
Leaders on both sides of Ireland's gay marriage campaign say advocates of legalization have won a resounding victory with the ballot count still underway. Senior figures from the "no" campaign, who sought to prevent Ireland's constitution from being amended to permit gay marriage, say the only question Saturday is how large the "yes" side's margin of victory will be from Friday's vote. An Irish Cabinet minister, Leo Varadkar, who came out as gay at the start of the government's campaign, says Dublin looks to have voted about 70 percent in favor of gay marriage, while most districts outside the capital also were reporting strong "yes" leads. Official results come later Saturday. Varadkar said: "We're the first country in the world to enshrine marriage equality in our constitution and do so by popular mandate. That makes us a beacon, a light to the rest of the world of liberty and equality. It's a very proud day to be Irish."
Via Freedom to Marry
Historic: With a landslide victory, Ireland is the first country in the world to pass the freedom to marry by popular referendum! Congrats to ALL who voted for equality, and to our Irish colleagues who worked so hard on this momentous fight. Click "like" and share to celebrate this wonderful step forward: http://bit.ly/1AlvMNy — with Gina Frias.
Today's Daily Dharma: The Open Question.
The Open Question
task as practitioners is to bring the teachings to life in a personal
way. No one can tell us how to do it. This is the practitioner?s
koan?the open question.
- Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel, "The Power of an Open Question" |

JMG Quote Of The Day - Evan Wolfson
"With a nationwide landslide in favor, Ireland now becomes the first country in the world to pass the freedom to marry by popular referendum, as well as the 21st nation and the 10th predominantly Catholic country in which same-sex couples can marry. Our Irish colleagues at Yes Equality ran a magnificent campaign and Freedom to Marry is proud to have shared what we’ve learned in our own campaign here in the US. The global momentum for the freedom to marry reflects and reinforces the progress we are making here in the United States – and we look now to the Supreme Court to bring our country to national resolution, following Ireland’s good example." - Evan Wolfson, head of Freedom To Marry, via press release.
Labels: activism, Europe, Evan Wolfson, Freedom To Marry, Ireland, LGBT History, LGBT rights, marriage equality, SCOTUS
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