Friday, May 20, 2016

Via GayStarNews: This is the first time the majority of the world believes it should be legal to be LGBTI

In 2016, we can say the world is slowly becoming a better place to be gay, bisexual or transgender

This is the first time the majority of the world believes it should be legal to be LGBTI
The world is becoming a better place to be gay
This is the first time the majority of the world believes it should not be a crime to be LGBTI.

In the last major global study of attitudes to LGBTI people, developed by Pew Research in 2013, it found an average of 41% of people believed homosexuality should be legal.

But today, in new research released on International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), that number has increased to 53%. The survey also found only 25% believed it should be a crime.

While it must be said these are two studies released by two different research groups, it still shows how far the world has come on LGBTI issues in such a short space of time.

‘The picture we are gaining from this survey is the world is a less homophobic place than what we thought before,’ Renato Sabbadini, the executive director at ILGA, told Gay Star News.

Developed with RIWI Corp and Logo, the survey collected answers from nearly 100,000 individuals in 75 countries to discover the largest investigation of attitudes towards LGBTI people around the world ever conducted.

There were some less desirable statistics found, such as over two thirds – 68% of respondents – would be upset if their child told them they were in love with someone in the same sex.

But on whether human rights should be applied to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, the majority believed it should be. 67% of the world agreed, with 62% in Africa, 63% in Asia, 69% Americas, 71% Europe and 73% Oceania. Only 17% on the whole disagreed LGBTI people should have human rights.

‘When you look at the number of the countries that criminalize same-sex activity, we’re talking about 75 members of the UN,’ Sabbadini continued to GSN. ‘With over 193 countries in the world, it’s only a minority of countries which persist in criminalizing same-sex sexual behavior.’

On whether people may not see homosexuality is a logical issue, when it terms of gay sex being a crime for other people, but having a personal problem with it when it comes to a family member or neighbor, Sabbadini agreed and said just because people don’t want homosexuality to be a crime it doesn’t mean they are any less homophobic.

‘It gives us hope, and at the same time, it clearly indicates there’s a long way to go.’

Make the jump here to read the original and more

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Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 20/05/2016

“Para podermos nos harmonizados com a natureza, precisamos resgatar a nossa própria naturalidade, a nossa espontaneidade perdida. Mas esse não é um trabalho fácil, pois o ser humano tem vivido num estado artificial ao longo de eras. E esse resgate envolve a retirada das máscaras que aprendemos a usar para fingirmos ser algo que não somos e a remoção dos amortecedores que nos impedem de entrar em contato com a dor do rompimento com a nossa essência. Em outras palavras, esse processo envolve um profundo trabalho de cura.”

“Para poder armonizarnos con la naturaleza, necesitamos rescatar nuestra propia naturalidad, nuestra espontaneidad perdida. Pero este no es untrabajo fácil, ya que el ser humano ha estado viviendo en un estado artificial a lo largo de eras. Y este rescate implica la retirada de las máscaras que aprendimos a utilizar para pretender ser algo que no somos y la remoción de las anestesias que nos impiden entrar en contacto con el dolor del quiebre con nuestra esencia. En otras palabras, este proceso implica un profundo trabajo de curación.”

“In order to be in harmony with nature, we need to rescue our own naturalness; our lost spontaneity. This is not an easy job, because human beings have lived more superficially throughout many eras. Rediscovering these parts of ourselves involves removing the masks that we have learned to wear in pretending to be something that we are not,as well as removing the numbing devices that prevent us from getting intouch with the pain of having experienced asplit from our essence. This process involves a profound healing work.”

Via Daily Dharma / May 20, 2016: Becoming Whole

We cannot delay fully embracing the moment. To do so maintains the divisions within the mind, the division between the mind and the body, and the division between the organism and its environment. All divisions are attempts to keep us from the truth of what is right here.

—Rodney Smith, "Undivided Mind"