Saturday, March 6, 2010

Committee to Advance Equality: For Binational Same-Sex Couples

From JMG: Roy Ashburn's 2005 Press Release

Talking Points Memo dug into Sen. Roy Ashburn's official California government site and dug up this 2005 press release
touting an anti-gay marriage rally he co-hosted with the Traditional Values Coalition's Right Detestable Rev. Lou Sheldon.

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reposted from JMG

From JMG:

Jon Stewart Tries ChatRoulette

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reposted from JMG

From JMG: West Sacramento Mayor: I Outed Ashburn On Facebook Six Months Ago

West Sacramento Mayor Christopher Cabaldon tells local news that he outed state Sen. Roy Ashburn on his Facebook page six months ago. That's great. Too bad nobody ever found out about it. Like Equality California. Or the Courage Campaign. Or any LGBT media outlet.

RELATED: Over at Boy Culture, Matt Rettenmund has some screencaps of the Facebook page of Ashburn's "date" on the night of his DUI arrest. Noting that the young man is Latino and probably first met Ashburn during that evening's popular Latin Night at Faces nightclub, Matt wonders how that squares with Ashburn's lengthy anti-immigrant voting history. Was that just another closet? Hate the Latinos, love their boys?

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