Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kate on Mamma Bear

Via CA Sacramento County Marriage Equality

Sacramento LGBT Community Prepares to React to Federal Prop 8 Ruling

Sacramento, CA – Any day now, Judge Vaughn Walker will released his decision in the Perry v. Schwarzenegger Federal Prop 8 Trial. The leadership of Equality Action NOW and the staff of the Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Center are preparing for that day.

We are hoping the Judge will give everyone at least 24 hour notice but there has been no indication that he will do so. Unfortunately there have been two false alarms, however they did serve as early indications that our social networking works very well and given no other major news outbreak occurs at the time, the media has demonstrated a high interest in our reactions.

If we win, the leadership of Equality Action Now and the staff of the Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Center are planning a party tentatively to be held at K Street and 21st in Midtown, in the parking lot behind McMartin’s Realty beginning at 6:00pm.

If we lose we will march from the Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Center, 1927 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95811, to the west steps of the State Capitol beginning at 6:00pm. There will be speakers and participants will have the opportunity to express their feelings in an open mic forum.

No matter how it goes, a Press Conference will be called within 2 hours of the ruling announcement on the front steps of the Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Center. If you can make it to the Center for the announcement there will be Media who will want to get the immediate reaction to the ruling from people who this effects the most. It is important you have your voice be heard no matter the outcome.

While this ruling can be a huge step forward or a temporary barrier towards equal rights for same-sex marriages, it is well understood that this case will serve as the bases for an appeal. Opponents of same-sex marriages will continue their fight by using every available means legally, as well as in the public arena to deny full and equal rights to LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex) individuals – and so will we.

It is important to us to continue to build bridges to other communities by coming out and being vocal with our personal stories and issues.

As witnessed in the this trial, what we have on our side is the Constitution and evidence that no one can dispute the fact that same-sex marriages will do no harm to the institution of marriage. In addition there is an abundance of evidence (and common sense) that same-sex marriages will actually strengthen our society and family structure.

Organizations throughout the state and here in Sacramento are urging the community to continue to amplify the themes underscored by Olson/Boies which focused on the inclusion and integration of LGBT people within the legal protections enjoyed by all Americans and framed this current controversy within the larger historical context of past discriminatory laws that have been eliminated. In this way, marriage discrimination against the LGBT community is seen as one more instance of unfounded bias and prejudice that is eliminated and is consistent with the enduring American principle of extending Constitutional protections and fairness to all people.

On the Day of Decision our response to Judge Walker's ruling must include reaching out in fellowship and compassion to those who voted for Proposition 8 in 2008 out of fear and lack of information. Just like the evolution of Governor Schwarzenegger, U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein and San Diego Mayor and Prop 8 trial witness Jerry Sanders, we need to ensure we celebrate or protest with a grace that allows people to evolve in their position towards marriage equality with dignity and join us as we move forward. We need to ensure we do not view this win or lose as a zero sum game against our adversaries - but rather the unfolding of a more inclusive, kind, loving country for everyone.

For more information:

Equality Action Now: - - 916.446.1082

Sacramento Gay and Lesbian Center: - 916.442.0185

To volenteer contact: Rachel Hogue:

To contribute to this event:

To be placed on EAN’s Text Network: Hilary Hodge –

For National Prop 8 Trial Tracker text “EQUAL” to 69866.

Couples of all ages, married or not, gay or straight who would like to volunteer as Media Spokespersons please contact: Ken Pierce –

Via JMG: HomoQuotable - Mike Jones

"During the 1990s, when I worked as an escort in Denver, Colorado, I estimate at least 15 percent of my clientele were clergy or connected with the church in some way. There were one-timers and there were guys who came back again and again and again, and they were all the same: positively giddy when the encounter began, unable to look you in the eye as they left. The excitement that initially animated them was wholly overshadowed by the despondency and guilt that would overcome them as soon as it was over.

"I can’t imagine the guilt they were feeling. Not only were they having sex with another man—a sin punishable by God, in their minds—but I believe many of them were doing exactly what Father Gray did: stealing from their own churches. Maybe not a million bucks, maybe not even so much that anyone would notice. But more than once I was paid for my services with a handful of crinkled ones and fives. I would think to myself, how could they take from their own church’s collection plate? The answer is simple and sad: addicts will do whatever they need to do to support their habit." - Former rentboy and outer of Ted Haggard, Mike Jones, writing about Father Kevin Gray for the Daily Beast.

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reposted from Joe