By Emily Dickinson
Some keep the Sabbath going to Church – I keep it, staying at Home – With a Bobolink for a Chorister – And an Orchard, for a Dome –
Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice – I, just wear my Wings – And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church, Our little Sexton – sings.
God preaches, a noted Clergyman – And the sermon is never long, So instead of getting to Heaven, at last – I’m going, all along.
thanks to JMG poster W.F.O
A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Via JMG: MICHIGAN: University Profs Threaten Exodus If Domestic Partners Repealed
“I question my decision to come to Michigan,” Coetzee said. When Coetzee accepted a job at U-M, he also turned one down at New York University. “I chose Michigan because it just seemed better. But now New York just made same sex marriage legal and now in Michigan… they want people like my partner to not get treated.” U-M Latin professor Sara Ahbel-Rappe said that if bill 4770 passes there will likely be a large exodus of professors who leave the university. “It’s a total slap in the face. It tells me that I don’t deserve the same consideration” as heterosexual couples, she said. “People will leave.” Ahbel-Rappe and six other professors authored a letter to Gov. Rick Synder asking him not to sign bill 4770 if passed by the senate. The letter calls the bill discriminatory and says it will negatively affect staff recruitment at the university. U-M officials are also concerned about the bill’s effects. Nearly all of U-M’s competitors offer benefits to same-sex partners. So do most Fortune 500 companies.The GOP state rep who sponsored the repeal bill says, "It is not the responsibility of taxpayers to support the roommates and unmarried partners of public employees." Roommates.
Via JMG: Chick-Fil-A: $2 Million To Anti-Gay Groups
RELATED: When news of Chick-Fil-A's anti-gay ties were first made public last year, a national boycott of the chain was launched, prompting company president Dan Cathy to issue a denial that his chain supported discrimination.
Via JMG: Uganda To Britain's PM: Stop Bullying Us For Treating Gay People Brutally
Two weeks ago British Prime Minister David Cameron threatened to cut foreign aid to nations that abuse their LGBT citizens. One of the major recipients of that aid, Uganda, is now accusing Britain of bullying them over their Godly and righteously brutal treatment of homosexuals.
A Ugandan presidential official, John Nagenda, told the BBC his country was “tired of these lectures” and that the Commonwealth nations should not be treated like “children”. Commonwealth nations are reacting to government plans to redirect aid away from central governments with poor human rights records. International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell said: “Taking money away from Governments does not mean you do not support that country. You find other mechanisms for trying to help the poorest with food, education and health care as well as building up business structures”It must be noted that LGBT rights activists in Ghana and Nigeria warn that any cuts in aid could result in retribution in the form of even more violence against local gay citizens.
Mac-Darling Cobbinah, the executive and national director of the Centre for Popular Education and Human Rights Ghana, has said the move would only bring “pain and anguish” to the struggling country. He added that the plans could backfire and lead to gay people being blamed for aid cuts. “We from Ghana LGBTi community think this is not enough. Cutting down aid will not bring anything other than pain and anguish to the already polarised society or country and LGBTi people will be used as scapegoats for under development in our countries.”
Via JMG: Loving Christians Deluge School With Threats Over Homecoming Lesbians
On Monday, Superintendent Bill Kowba interrupted a news conference on the district's financial troubles to comment on an issue he called just as significant as the budget. “What is essentially disappointing is that adults who have contacted the school, many not even San Diego residents, are demonstrating such a lack of tolerance and such a negative role model for children with their hateful comments,” Kowba said. Kowba calls the adults behind the threats "bullies." He also says if the calls and emails came from students, they would have faced disciplinary action.Here's a few examples from God's Gentle People at Free Republic:
-"Stupid, brainwashed, delusional girls. They are signing up for a life of pain, misery, heartbreak and sin."
-"This is disgusting. It’s deviancy on display, and our kids have been trained to approve."
-"The Principal should be brought up on charges and be made to register as a sex offender."
-"Children who attend godless socialist schools will learn to think and reason godlessly!"
-"The faggot indoctrination continues."
Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:
November 2, 2011
To Keep the Heart Pure
Not to commit evil, but to practice all good, and to keep the heart pure: This is the teaching of the Buddha. “To keep the heart pure” means to try to keep the mind uncluttered. It does not mean that we are saintly. It means that we are reasonably aware, reasonably caring, open to ourselves and to others, and not influenced by hatred, greed, or delusion. |
– Martine Batchelor, "The Precepts: A Special Practice Section"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection
Via AmericaBloggay: Chick-Fil-A gave nearly $2m in donations to anti-gay and hate groups
Do not eat at this establishment. They donate huge amounts of money to some of the most hateful anti-gay organizations on the planet. Do NOT eat at Chick-Fil-A. And tell your friends to avoid them too. This is serious money. Equality Matters got the scoop:
Chick-Fil-A's Charitable Arm Gave Nearly $2 Million To Anti-Gay Groups In 2009
WinShape Is Chick-Fil-A's Charitable Arm. The WinShape Foundation is Chick-fil-A's charitable arm, created by Chick-fil-A founder and chairman S. Truett Cathy in 1984. WinShape has received a substantial amount of funding from Chick-fil-A: in 2009 alone, WinShape received $7,814,788 from Chick-fil-A Inc. [WinShape 2009 Publicly Available IRS 990 Form via Foundation Center, accessed10/28/11]
WinShape Gave Over $1.7 Million To Anti-Gay Groups. In 2009 alone, WinShape donated $1,733,699 to multiple anti-gay groups:
· Marriage & Family Legacy Fund: $994,199
· Fellowship Of Christian Athletes: $480,000
· National Christian Foundation: $240,000
· Focus On The Family: $12,500
· Eagle Forum: $5,000
· Exodus International: $1,000
· Family Research Council: $1,000
[WinShape 2009 Publicly Available IRS 990 Form via Foundation Center, accessed 10/28/11]
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