Monday, November 18, 2013

Via JMG: Op-Ed Of The Day - Patricia Madrid

"Some will recall that as attorney general, I stopped the Rio Rancho county clerk from issuing marriage licenses. But that had nothing to do with the constitutionality of same-sex marriage and everything to do with individual county clerks acting on their own without the law behind them. I applaud the clerks for asking for a swift resolution by the state Supreme Court of the current checkerboard, where some counties grant marriage licenses and others do not. While I’m hopeful the state Supreme Court will grant marriage equality in New Mexico, I believe that is where the issue should be decided. The Legislature should resist any temptation to continue to make marriage a divisive issue.

"New Mexico has always been a land of freedom, of live and let live, and we all try to apply the Golden Rule — to treat others as we want to be treated ourselves. To me, that speaks directly to the freedom to marry. Marriage has been the cornerstone of my life, and I hope that soon in New Mexico, our gay and lesbian friends, neighbors and family members can have that same mix of celebration and security." - Former New Mexico Attorney General Patricia Madrid, writing for the Albuquerque Journal. (Tipped by JMG reader George)

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Openly Gay Teen Scientist Honored by Vatican as Positive Role Model

CROWNSVILLE, Md. — An openly gay teen scientist has been honored by the Vatican for his work to develop a cost-effective method to detect pancreatic cancer.
Jack, speaking at the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference earlier this year.

Jack Andraka, speaking at the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference earlier this year.

Jack Andraka, a high school junior from Crownsville, Md., was awarded the International Giuseppe Sciacca Award for his work Saturday. The Vatican awards the prize to recognize youth who are positive role models and outstanding in their fields.

Andraka was hoping to meet Pope Francis while he is in Rome.

He told WBAL Radio he felt is was amazing to be recognized by the Vatican even though he is gay. He says it shows how much the world has grown to accept gay people.

Andraka developed the cancer test when he was 15 after the death of a family friend from pancreatic cancer.
He is talking with two biotech firms to manufacture the test.

Read more about Jack in LGBTQ Nation’s profile of the teen scientist →


Via Too Informed To Vote Republican / FB:

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma November 18, 2013 Reconditioning the Mind There is a place at a certain point for overcoming concepts and conditioning, but there is also a lot of reconceiving and reconditioning. The idea is to transform the mind, not just to extract it from all cultural influences. Buddhism itself is a culture—one that attempts to train and condition minds in specific ways conducive to awakening. - David McMahan, "Context Matters" Read the entire article in the Wisdom Collection through November 19, 2013 For full access at any time, become a Tricycle Community Supporting or Sustaining Member Read Article

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 18, 2013

Reconditioning the Mind

There is a place at a certain point for overcoming concepts and conditioning, but there is also a lot of reconceiving and reconditioning. The idea is to transform the mind, not just to extract it from all cultural influences. Buddhism itself is a culture—one that attempts to train and condition minds in specific ways conducive to awakening.
- David McMahan, "Context Matters"
Read the entire article in the Wisdom Collection through November 19, 2013
For full access at any time, become a Tricycle Community Supporting or Sustaining Member

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 November 18, 2013

Reconditioning the Mind

There is a place at a certain point for overcoming concepts and conditioning, but there is also a lot of reconceiving and reconditioning. The idea is to transform the mind, not just to extract it from all cultural influences. Buddhism itself is a culture—one that attempts to train and condition minds in specific ways conducive to awakening.
- David McMahan, "Context Matters"
Read the entire article in the Wisdom Collection through November 19, 2013
For full access at any time, become a Tricycle Community Supporting or Sustaining Member
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