Thursday, May 21, 2020

Via Querty // ! Meet the hunky Spanish doctor who beat coronavirus and just became Mr. Gay World Pride

30-year-old Francisco José Alvarado is a family doctor at Lavapiés Health Center in Madrid. While working tirelessly to help COVID-19 patients back in March, he contracted the virus. After making a full recovery, he returned to work. Now, he’s just been named Mr. Gay World Pride.

Make the jump here to read the full article and more

Via White Crane Institute / REVEREND ROBERT WOOD

Reverend Robert Wood
1923 -
REVEREND ROBERT WOOD, author of historic book Christ and the Homosexual (1960) was born. Wood's book is considered one of the first positive treatments of homosexuality and Christianity. 
Wood, himself a Gay man was ministering at the time in New York City and was well acquainted with the ostracism experienced by the gay subculture at the hands of what he saw as “a society which in most cases has not taken the time to study the facts and to know the individuals involved.”
“Christ and the Homosexual” was the first book published merging these two subjects, and groundbreaking in its poignant critique of the Church, and in its description, support, and affirmation of the Gay community.
All 3,000 hardbound copies sold at a cost of $3.95 each. Copies of the book are extremely scarce today as no further editions were printed.

Via Daily Dharma: Understanding Why We Do What We Do

You have to get dirty with your emotions. Meditation allows us to feel them, live them, and taste them completely. It gives us a lot of insight into why we do the things we do and why other people do the things they do. Out of this insight, compassion is born.

—Pema Chödrön,“Meditating with Emotions”