Saturday, November 6, 2021

Glass: Aguas da Amazonia - Metamorphosis I

Via Tricycle // Freedom from Illusion


Freedom from Illusion
By Pema Düddul
Buddhism teaches that the basic nature of all things is illusory. How can we awaken to this essential truth and allow it to guide us home to ourselves?
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Amazon Rainforest/ Foret d'Amazonie Concert

Via Tricycle // When America Met Thich Nhat Hanh


When America Met Thich Nhat Hanh
By Jim Forest
Before he was a spiritual teacher beloved the world over, Thich Nhat Hanh was a soft-spoken but fiercely dedicated anti-war activist.
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Via Daily Dharma: Rising From Failure

 Failures are not just inevitable, but are a necessary part of the process. A good mother is not one whose baby never cries, but one who knows how to respond and soothe her crying baby.

—Barry Magid, “Precious Scars: Art as Practice”