Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 22/04/2015

“O karma está a serviço de nos auxiliar no alinhamento com o dharma, que é o caminho da verdade, o com o caminho do coração. Quando nos alinhamos com o dharma, nos sentimos pertencendo, nos sentimos plenos. Nós ocupamos nosso lugar no mundo e temos a convicção de estar no lugar certo. Esse sentimento traz satisfação e enche nosso coração de confiança.”
Acesse ao Satsang completo:

”El karma está al servicio de auxiliarnos en la alineación con el dharma, que es el camino de la verdad, o con el camino del corazón. Cuando nos alineamos con el dharma, nos sentimos perteneciendo, nos sentimos plenos. Nosotros ocupamos nuestro lugar en el mundo y tenemos la convicción de estar en el lugar correcto. Este sentimiento trae satisfacción y llena nuestro corazón de confianza.”

"Karma is at the service of aligning us with our dharma, which is the path of truth; the path of the heart. When we align ourselves with dharma, we feel like we belong. We feel fulfilled, and we occupy our place in the world with the conviction that this is indeed where we should be. This feeling brings us satisfaction and fills our heart with trust."

Via Daily Dharma

Cultivating a Planetary Perspective | April 22, 2015

You can instill a view, but then there actually have to be processes like meditation that shift the way the mind relates to others. You can't just say a lot about how we're all connected; you have to actually offer tools for how you would become more aware. . . . It's not just, you know, "love thy neighbor." That's a great sentiment, but how?

- Ethan Nichtern, "How Meditation Offers a Planetary Perspective"