Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - November 25, 2020 💌


As you dwell more in loving awareness and see things as they truly are, you begin to expand beyond the boundaries of your separateness. You start to experience the outer world in a new way, so that instead of being in relationship to someone else, you become them. At that moment, the suffering of the universe is inside of you, not outside. True compassion arises out of the plane of consciousness where I am you, where you and I are one.

This is a Buddhist loving-kindness blessing, part of the Metta Meditation:

May all beings be free of danger.
May all beings be free from mental suffering.
May all beings be free from physical suffering.
May all beings know peace.

- Ram Dass -

Via Lion's Roar


Buddhist Traditions: Which Way to Go?

As part of our #MeditationHacks series, Rev. angel Kyodo williams advises on what to do when confronted with too many choices.

Via Lion's Roar // The Moon

Become Friends with the Moon
Ephrat Livni reflects on years of spiritual study with the moon as her guide.


Via Daily Dharma: Finding Meaning in the Face of Suffering

 If there is power in acknowledging and being thankful for even small blessings, the power of finding meaning in the face of suffering can be transformative.

—Pamela Gayle White, “Skunked by Gratitude”