Thursday, November 14, 2013

Via The Gaily / FB:

Via JMG: Missouri Governor Endorses Gay Marriage

Surprising and welcome news out of Missouri.
Gov. Jay Nixon said Thursday that he supports legalizing gay marriage in Missouri during a news conference announcing that homosexual couples married under the laws of other states would be allowed to file combined state tax returns. In an executive order, Nixon directed the Department of Revenue to accept the combined returns as a reaction to the June ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court striking down the federal Defense of Marriage Act. That law barred same sex couples who were legally married from receiving any marriage-based federal benefits, such as tax exemptions and Social Security payments. Under state law, couples who file a joint federal return are required to file a combined state tax return. The executive order clarifies that the law applies to all couples, Nixon said.
Nixon: "Many Missourians, including myself, are thinking about these issues of equality in new ways and reflecting on what constitutes discrimination. For me, that process has led to the belief that we shouldn’t treat folks differently because of who they are."

RELATED: Missouri passed a constitutional ban in same-sex marriage in 2004. A total of 21 states passed such bans from 2004-2006 when Ken Mehlman headed the RNC.

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 14, 2013

Our Participatory Universe

Mass, energy, space, and time as they are conceived by the human mind have no existence apart from our conceptual awareness of them—no more than our dreams at night. All appearances exist only relative to the mind that experiences them, and all mental states arise relative to experienced phenomena. We are living in a participatory universe, with no absolute subjects or objects.
- Alan Wallace, “Awakening to the Dream”
Read the entire article in the Wisdom Collection through November 15, 2013
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Via jMG: No More Mr. Nice Gay: Ender's Game

Clip recap: "In this edition of No More Mr. Nice Gay, Guy explains why he isn't going to see the film adaption of Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game. Mr. Card, Guy knows you're homophobic, but he's not boycotting to kill profits; he's doing it for good, old self-respect."

Reposted from Joe

Paul & Trent's Wedding Video - Making History