Wednesday, December 20, 2023

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Join us in supporting the Matthew Shepard US Postage Stamp Campaign, advocating for the establishment of a commemorative US Postage Forever Stamp featuring Matt’s image. Learn more and sign the petition at

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Speech: Refraining from Frivolous Speech


Refraining from Frivolous Speech
Frivolous speech is unhealthy. Refraining from frivolous speech is healthy. (MN 9) Abandoning frivolous speech, one refrains from frivolous speech. One speaks at the right time, speaks only what is fact, and speaks about what is good. One speaks what is worthy of being overheard, words that are reasonable, moderate, and beneficial. (DN 1) One practices thus: "Others may speak frivolously, but I shall abstain from frivolous speech." (MN 8)

When a person commits an offense of some kind, one should not hurry to reprove them but rather should consider whether or not to speak. If you will not be troubled, the other person will not be hurt, and you can help them emerge from what is unhealthy and establish them in what is healthy, then it is proper to speak. (MN 103)
The fourth category of right speech is refraining from frivolous speech. This is not meant to stifle us entirely or to reduce human expression to essential facts and nothing more; rather, it is an invitation to pay more careful attention to what we say. It is healthy to speak what is true, to speak about what is good, and to be moderate in our speech, even if other people are not. What can you say that is helpful?
Daily Practice
Has it ever occurred to you that some people speak just for the sake of speaking, or say anything and everything that comes to mind, or go on indefinitely repeating the same stories? See if you can notice yourself doing this from time to time. Practice being aware enough of your own speech patterns to notice whether you are always saying something useful or necessary or valuable. Sometimes it is better to stay silent.
Tomorrow: Reflecting upon Social Action
One week from today: Refraining from False Speech

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Via Daily Dharma: Applying Compassion


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Applying Compassion

Lovingkindness, goodwill, and compassion naturally arise from our meditation practice, but feeling compassion is not the end of the path. The next step is love in action. 

Devin Berry, “Love in Action”


Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation \\ Words of Wisdom - December 20, 2023 💌

Every teacher, every life experience, everything you notice in the universe, is but a reflection of your attachment. It's the way it works. If there is nothing you want, there is nothing that clings, and you go through life free. Collecting nothing. You collect a sight, you collect a record, you collect a computer, you collect a relationship, you collect a teacher, you collect a method, just more clinging. Use them all. Be with them. Enjoy them. Live fully in life. But don't cling. Flow through it. Be with it.

And as you are quiet and you listen and hear how it all is, then you will relate to all of it in a harmonious way, in a way in which there is not exploitation. Harmonious in the way you relate to the floor you're sitting on, to the person next to you, to the night air, to the world you have to live in.

  - Ram Dass -