Thursday, August 22, 2013

Via JMG: New Mexico County Begins Issuing Marriage Licenses To Same-Sex Couples

Big news! This morning the New Mexico county of Dona Ana began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Via an alert from Progress Now New Mexico:
Same-sex couples in Doña Ana County began receiving marriage licenses this morning after the county clerk announced he was issuing them based on a legal opinion endorsed earlier this year by the City of Santa Fe and a recent filing by the attorney general stating that New Mexico’s laws demanded that the state issue licenses to same-sex couples. County Clerk Lynn Ellins began issuing the licenses at 8:00 am this morning from his office. At ProgressNowNM, we couldn’t be happier for the couples in Doña Ana County – and those across the state who will soon, no doubt, make their way there – who have waited far too long for public sentiment and political courage to evolve far enough to publicly acknowledge their relationships as being just as equal as that of their neighbors.
Progress Now will be posting photos to their Facebook page. (Tipped by JMG reader Elise)
UPDATE: The Las Cruces Sun-News has a quote from the county clerk.
"I am mindful that I took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the State of New Mexico as Doña Ana County Clerk. I am an attorney, and I have read the AG's opinion, and I find it to be sound. After careful review of New Mexico's laws it is clear that the state's marriage statutes are gender neutral and do not expressly prohibit Doña Ana County from issuing marriage licenses to same-gender couples. Any further denial of marriage licenses to these couples violates the United States and New Mexico Constitution and the New Mexico Human Rights Act. Doña Ana County is upholding New Mexico law by issuing these marriage licenses, and I see no reason to make committed couples in Doña Ana County wait another minute to marry."

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: AUSTRALIA: Former Deputy PM Warns Against Travel To Murderous United States

"Just for the record, Australia has had zero gun massacres since 1996, and in the United States, 80 people are killed by guns every single day. So, it is another example of murder and mayhem on Main Street. Yes, people are thinking of going to the USA on business, vacation, trips, should think carefully about it given the statistical facts you are 15 times more likely to be shot dead in the USA than in Australia per capita per million people. We don't have gun shows where you can walk up and not even be subject to a background check in one of the most dumbest decisions so far in the litany of agony over the gun laws and gun policies of the NRA and the USA." - Former Australian Deputy Prime Minister Tim Fischer, responding to the Oklahoma murder of an Australian college student who was shot dead by three local teens who told police that they were simply "bored."
Many American right-wing sites are attacking Fischer today for "capitalizing on a tragedy."  One example:
Fischer's comments are disgraceful in myriad ways. To advance one's political agenda by tapping into the powerful emotions that continue to emanate from this tragedy is beneath the dignity of anyone, let alone a former deputy prime minister. No law controlling or banning guns would have prevented those Oklahoma thugs from opening fire into the back of Chris Lane. Sadly, Fischer and other Australians who reject the right of people to protect themselves have lately taken advantage of gun-related deaths in the United States to support the continuation of gun control in their home country and to make Australians think that they are the beneficiaries of such measures.
The three teens were formally charged yesterday.
Fischer's comments are disgraceful in myriad ways. To advance one's political agenda by tapping into the powerful emotions that continue to emanate from this tragedy is beneath the dignity of anyone, let alone a former deputy prime minister. No law controlling or banning guns would have prevented those Oklahoma thugs from opening fire into the back of Chris Lane. Sadly, Fischer and other Australians who reject the right of people to protect themselves have lately taken advantage of gun-related deaths in the United States to support the continuation of gun control in their home country and to make Australians think that they are the beneficiaries of such measures.
FACT: The US rate of firearm murders per 100,000 population: 3.60. The rate in Australia: 0.13.  Source.
Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: TENNESSEE: Church Boots Out Lesbian Cop's Relatives After City Backs Benefits

Two weeks ago I reported that the small Tennessee town of Collegedale had become the first in the state to offer benefits to the partners of LGBT employees. Among the people that supported the measure was openly gay Collegedale police officer Kat Cooper and her wife. In retaliation, a local church has booted Cooper's relatives out of the congregation.
Leaders at Ridgedale Church of Christ met in private with Kat Cooper's mother, aunt and uncle on Sunday after the regular worship service. They were given an ultimatum: They could repent for their sins and ask forgiveness in front of the congregation. Or leave the church. Their sins? "My mother was up here and she sat beside me. That's it," said Kat Cooper. "Literally, they're exiling members for unconditionally loving their children -- and even extended family members."  But the family's support of Kat Cooper was as good as an endorsement of homosexuality, said Ken Willis, minister at Ridgedale Church of Christ. "The sin would be endorsing that lifestyle," Willis said. "The Bible speaks very plainly about that." Willis, a father himself, said the church didn't expect the Cooper family to disown their daughter. "But you certainly can't condone that lifestyle, whether it's any kind of sin -- whether they're shacked up with someone or living in a state of fornication or they're guilty of crimes," he said. "You don't condone it. You still love them as a parent."
Cooper's father says they have "no sin to repent for" and that it was an easy decision to leave their church. His wife, he said, has not been able to stop crying. (Tipped by JMG reader Carver)
Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: NEW MEXICO: State AG Won't Challenge County Issuing Gay Marriage Licenses

New Mexico state Attorney General Gary King said this afternoon that he will not challenge the same-sex marriage licenses that Dona Ana County began issuing today.  Back in June, King similarly said that he will not defend the state against a lawsuit that demands marriage equality. However, King warned today that Dona Ana marriages could be ruled invalid by the state Supreme Court. (Tipped by JMG reader Tyler)

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Russian Gov't Defends Anti-Gay Law In Letter To International Olympic Committee

The Russian government has "reassured" the International Olympic Committee that they will not discriminate against gay people during the Sochi Olympics.  Except that they might.
The IOC received a letter from Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak giving reassurances the host country will comply fully with the Olympic Charter's provision against discrimination of any kind. "The Russian Federation guarantees the fulfillment of its obligations before the International Olympic Committee in its entirety," Kozak said. However, Kozak did not back down on the issue of the new law, which penalizes anyone who distributes information aimed at persuading minors that "nontraditional" relationships are normal or attractive. The law applies equally to everyone and "cannot be regarded as discrimination based on sexual orientation," Kozak said. The letter still leaves open the question of what would happen to Olympic athletes or fans if they make statements or gestures that could be considered propaganda.

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma August 22, 2013

The Reality of Love

The problem with interpersonal love is that you are dependent on the other person to reflect love back to you. That’s part of the illusion of separateness. The reality is that love is a state of being that comes from within.
- Ram Dass, “Tuning the Mind”
Read the entire article in the Wisdom Collection through August 23, 2013
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