Monday, February 22, 2016

For Everyman Lyrics by Jackson Browne:

Everybody I talk to is ready to leave
With the light of the morning
They've seen the end coming down
Long enough to believe
That they've heard their last warning
Standing alone
Each has his own ticket in his hand
And as the evening descends
I sit thinking 'bout Everyman

Seems like I've always been
Looking for some other place
To get it together
Where with a few of my friends
I could give up the race
And maybe find something better
But all my fine dreams
Well though out schemes
To gain the motherland
Have all eventually come down
Yo waiting for Everyman

Waiting here for Everyman
Make it on your own if you think you can
If you see somewhere to go I understand
Waiting here for Everyman
Don't ask me if he'll show -- baby I don't know

Make it on your own if you think you can
Somewhere later on you'll have to take a stand
Then you're going to need a hand

Everybody's just waiting to hear from the one
Who can give them the answers
And lead them back to that place
In the warmth of the sun
Where sweet childhood still dances
Who'll come along
And hold out that strong
And gentle father's hand?
Long ago I heard someone say
Something 'bout Everyman

Waiting here for Everyman
Make it on your own if you think you can
If you see somewhere to go I understand

I'm not trying to tell you
That I've seen the plan
Turn and walk away if you think I am
But don't think too badly
Of one who's left holding sand
He's just another dreamer,
Dreaming 'bout Everyman

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 22/02/2016

“O medo é a antítese do amor; ele está sempre ligado ao ódio. Outros aspectos do eu inferior, como o orgulho e a obstinação, se conectam a ele, mas saber disso não vai te ajudar muito. O que pode te ajudar é olhar de frente para o medo e ver o que está por trás dele. O medo é um guardião que está a serviço de proteger apegos; é o sintoma de um desencaixe interno, uma insatisfação. E você evita entrar em contato com isso porque talvez seja necessário mudar alguma coisa na sua vida. Mas, como um buscador da Verdade, você precisa ter coragem de olhar e se perguntar: Quem é esse que vê a vida como uma ameaça? O que esse medo está escondendo? Assim você desarma o guardião e se torna um explorador da consciência.”

“El miedo es la antítesis del amor, siempre está conectado al odio. Otros aspectos del yo inferior como el orgullo y la obstinación se conectan a él, pero saber esto no te va a ayudar mucho. Lo que te puede ayudar es mirar de frenteal miedo y ver qué está por detrás de él. El miedo es un guardián que está al servicio de proteger apegos, es el síntoma de un desencaje interno, una insatisfacción. Y evitas entrar en contacto con esto porque tal vez sea necesario cambiar algo en tu vida. Pero como un buscador de la Verdad, necesitas tener coraje para mirar y preguntarte: ¿Quién es este que ve la vida como una amenaza? ¿Qué es lo que este miedo está escondiendo? Así desarmas al guardián y te vuelves un explorador de la conciencia.”

"Fear is the antithesis of love; it is always linked with hatred. Other aspects of the lower self such as pride and stubbornness are also connected to fear, but knowing all this will not help us much. What can help us is to face the fear straight on and look to see what lies behind it. Fear is the Guard who protects the doorway to attachments; it is the symptom of dissatisfaction, where something just isn’t sitting right internally. We avoid getting in touch with this because it means we may need to change something in our lives. However, as a seeker of the truth, we must have the courage to take a look at ourselves and ask: ‘Who is the one that sees life as a threat? What is this fear hiding?’ By doing so, we can disarm our inner Guard and become an explorer of consciousness.”

Via Daily Dharma: The Small Self and the True Self

Our small self is the “I, my, me” that feels like a separate person. Our true self has no idea of being separate, because it is before all ideas and thinking.

—Jane Dobisz, "Up and Down"