Thursday, January 7, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 07/01/2016

“No mais profundo, a causa pela qual temos gerado tanta destruição neste planeta, é a ignorância a respeito da nossa verdadeira identidade. Por trás dessa destruição está o impulso de acumular bens materiais. Não sabendo quem somos, agimos a partir de uma crença a respeito de quem somos, e isso gera um vazio que se traduz em uma profunda angústia. Nós tentamos preencher esse vazio através de coisas. Você acumula para agregar valor e poder à sua falsa identidade; para aliviar a angústia causada pela falta de conexão consigo mesmo. E para ter mais coisas, você faz qualquer coisa. Essa é a raiz da destruição.”

En lo más profundo, la causa por la cual hemos generado tanta destrucción en este planeta, es la ignorancia al respecto de nuestra verdadera identidad. Por detrás de esta destrucción está el impulso de acumular bienes materiales. Al no saber quiénes somos, actuamos desde una creencia acerca de quién somos, y eso genera un vacío que se traduce en una profunda angustia. Tratamos de llenar este vacío a través de cosas. Acumulas para agregar valor y poder a tu falsa identidad; para aliviar la angustia causada por la falta de conexión contigo mismo. Y para tener más cosas, haces cualquier cosa. Esta es la raíz de la destrucción.”

"The root cause for all this destruction we wage on the planet is our ignorance regarding our true identity. Behind this destruction lies the impulse to accumulate material goods – and we’ll do anything to get more things. Not knowing who we truly are, we act out of our mistaken beliefs about who we are, and this creates a void that turns into profound anguish. We try to fill this void by hoarding material things, striving to add value and power to our false identity. We do so to alleviate the anguish caused by our lack of connection with our own selves. This is the root of destruction."

Via Daily Dharma: Finding Your Direction

There is nothing to hang on to. The path emerges from a personal, surprisingly innate sense of direction and not from what’s expected of us by those who supposedly know better. Staying awake means continually reevaluating the ground on which we walk. 

—Stephen Schettini, "A Sense of Belonging"

Via Queerty: Queen Elizabeth II Says Gay Marriage Is Absolutely “Wonderful”

Just when we didn’t think she could get any more amazing, Queen Elizabeth II called gay marriage in England “wonderful.”

Or at least according to comedian/newlywed Stephen Fry.

During an interview over the weekend, Fry explained how the 88-year-old monarch expressed her approval of gay marriage in July 2013 when signing the Marriage Act, which granted same-sex couples the right to legally marry in England.

“It was only last summer that Her Majesty The Queen gave the Royal Assent,” he told The Jonathan Ross Show.

The Queen must remain politically neutral and has never spoken publicly about gay marriage, but according to sources who Fry describes as “well-founded,” her royal majesty is all for marriage equality.

“When the Queen signed the Royal Assent for the equal marriages act, allowing gay people to marry for the first time, she put it down and said ‘Well, who’d have thought 62 years ago when I came to the throne, I’d be signing something like this? Isn’t it wonderful?'”

Wonderful, indeed!

h/t: Gay Star News

Related stories:
Queen Elizabeth Makes Marriage Equality Law Final
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