Friday, January 18, 2013

Via Gay Politics Report:

  • European court rules faith doesn't trump LGBT laws
  • The European Court of Human Rights, ruling in several cases testing the rights of people of faith, said religious objections are not sufficient to absolve certain individuals from complying with LGBT non-discrimination laws. "The court showed conclusively that the principle of equality and equal treatment cannot be circumvented with a simple reference to religion," said Sophie in ‘t Veld, vice-president of the European Parliament’s LGBT Intergroup. (1/15), Washington Blade (Washington, D.C.) (1/16) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story

Via JMG: Dear Abby Dies At 94

Dear Abby advice columnist Pauline Phillips has died at the age of 94. Phillips was known for being one of earliest and most widely-read supporters of gay people.
Phillips’ column competed for decades with the advice column of Ann Landers, written by her twin sister, Esther Friedman Lederer. Their relationship was stormy in their early adult years, but later they regained the close relationship they had growing up in Sioux City, Iowa. The two columns differed in style. Ann Landers responded to questioners with homey, detailed advice. Abby’s replies were often flippant one-liners. She willingly expressed views that she realized would bring protests. In a 1998 interview she remarked: “Whenever I say a kind word about gays, I hear from people, and some of them are damn mad. People throw Leviticus, Deuteronomy and other parts of the Bible to me. It doesn’t bother me. I’ve always been compassionate toward gay people.”
Ann Landers died in 2002. Dear Abby is written today Phillips' daughter, Jeanne.

Reposted from Joe

Via Gray Queers shared The LGBT Project / FB

Via Buddhism on Beliefnet:

Daily Buddhist Wisdom

A mind unshaken when touched by the worldly states, sorrowless, stainless, and secure, this is the blessing supreme. Those who have fulfilled all these are everywhere invincible; they find well-being everywhere, theirs is the blessing supreme.
- (adapted from) Mangala Sutta

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma January 18, 2013

Body in Practice

In a sense, all of Buddhist practice takes place here, in this most intimate realm: here, in the family, shoulder to shoulder with fellow workers, beside each other on the cushion. Even alone in a cave, there is no way out of the sense object we call the body. We meet each other face to face, and so have all our teachers and ancestors met each other. In this way have all the Buddhas taught. Hand to sweating hand.
- Sallie Tisdale, "Washing Out Emptiness"
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