Sunday, May 27, 2012

Via AmericaBlogGay:

More polling data suggesting Obama changed minds with gay marriage stance

Interestingly, this poll suggests that black opposition to gay marriage shrunk, though it didn't turn into more support.  Rather, they moved from "against" to "unsure."  Which is still a marked improvement.  Among Latinos, our numbers improved as well. This poll showed only 41% support for same-sex marriage.  Clearly there's some variation in the recent polls, with many...

Via AmericaBlogGay:

Did gay marriages destroy straight marriages?

Not unless Tony Perkins has a secret hankering for some farm-boy in Iowa. Credit: Daily Dish As the Dish explains, after initial bursts of weddings following the legalization of same-sex marriage, the marriage rates in each state trend back to where they were before.  Thus, no drop in marriages. Of course, that won't stop liars like the Family Research Council from claiming that...

Via JMG: NORTH CAROLINA: Hundreds Protest Pastor "Concentration Camp" Worley

An estimated 1200 protesters gathered today outside the North Carolina church of Pastor Charles "Put Gays In Concentration Camps" Worley. Unlike fellow NC Pastor Sean "Beat Gay Kids" Harris, Worley has refused to apologize for his message. The Hickory Daily Record reports:
The protestors came out in force to bring a message of love and acceptance. Their signs bore bold statements like, “Jesus had 2 dads and he turned out just fine.” And “I am a gay, moral, conservative Christian.” Sheriff’s deputies and Newton police officers kept the peace as the protestors stood by the side of the road and cheered every time a car drove past and honked in approval. A vocal group of more than 50 counter-protestors were on hand to support Worley and his church. They too had signs with slogans like, “Sodomites are vile, unnatural and worthy of death. Romans 1:21-32.” And “Gay pride is why Sodom got fried.” The protest’s organizer explained her goals for the event. “Hopefully our protest today will send a message that we, as a community, as a state and as a country, will not stand in the background in silent acceptance,” said Catawba Valley Citizens Against Hate member Laura Tipton. “This protest has grown beyond Pastor Worley. I hope his congregation sees that we are gathering in love. Their messages are wrong, and we will not accept them.”

Reposted from Joe

Via Facebook:

Via AmericaBlog Gay:

Colin Powell says yes to same-sex marriage

He's been a tad behind the curve.  But it does help to have a prominent African-American get with the program, so this is still good news.  Even if he has his own personal demons to deal with.

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma May 27, 2012

Shoulder to Shoulder, Hand to Hand

In a sense, all of Buddhist practice takes place here, in this most intimate realm: here, in the family, shoulder to shoulder with fellow workers, beside each other on the cushion. We meet each other face to face, and so have all our teachers and ancestors met each other. In this way have all the Buddhas taught. Hand to sweating hand.

     - Sallie Tisdale, "Washing Out Emptiness"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection